
Some ways to go green?

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what are some good ways i can help the earth by going green in less than 20 dollars a time?




  1. you can make a bit of money by going to your local supermarket and recycling glass bottles, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans.

    buy a few energy efficient light bulbs.

    buy a reusable water bottle rather than buying a new plastic waterbottle everytime you finish one.

    walks to short distance places.  ride a bike

    runs a search engine for green living.  theres TONS of things to do on a lot of diffrent sites

  2. some sites you can go to for help on this that i love and visit everyday are (combines the top green sites on one page and is updated everyday)

  3. Try switching to eco friendly soap, I know it sounds funny but things like dish soap and laundry soap contain phosphates and toxins that are harmful to animals and the environment. Alot of these companies do not do animal testing either so you are supporting two causes at once!

    Simplicity makes a great dish soap, it actually takes food off better than alot of other brands I have used and it isn't any more expensive then the other brands. Pure and Natural bar soap is packaged in recycled paperboard that has been seeded with flower seeds so you can plant it in your backyard flower garden instead of throwing away. I have found alot of these soaps at Walmart so the price is good.

    You can also switch you trash bags to those made of recycled soda pop bottles, you can even get pillows made from recycled soda pop bottles! If you use paper plates switch to the Earth Shell ones they are actually made from limestone and potatos! They are great and hold up to just about anything even beans and BBQ!

    You can make a big difference just by switching your everday purchases to things that contain post consumer content and advertise they are recyclable!

    Remember it isn't just what you buy it what you do with it when you are finished!

  4. take the bus.



    unplug things that arent bieng used (especially cell phone chargers believe it or not)

    turn off the lights when not used.

  5. mass transit, bring yoru own bag to shop and not use plastic bags, recycle more.

  6. Paint yourself green.

  7. Walk more, use canvas bags instead of shopping bags, plant more trees, or flowere, and...well, for 20 dollars, ... Use canvas shopping bags, and actually, you could plant plants for less than 20 dollars...

  8. use cfl lights.

    [compact fluorescent lightbulbs]

    if every home switched to that then it would

    be like taking 800,000 cars off the road forever.

    plant trees.


    use less paper.

    planting anykind of plants.

    using less energy and water.

    shorter showers.

    always being aware of what you are doing will help.

    and finaly just try and drive less.
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