
Somebody can translate this Vietnamese Message:?

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Kinh thua cha,

Con da goi giay moi cho cha roi, va nay con moi hoi am cho cha biet. con rat la ban viec trong giao xu nay. co 2 cong doan: cong doan My va cong doan Me Tay Co voi con so 6500 giao dan. co chi co mot minh o xu nay, nen rat la ban viec mu vu hang ngay.

voi lai ky nay Ba con om, nen rat la ban ron, nhung Chua va Duc Me thuong co so Tuyen va Hien qua kip luc Ba con om, cho nen 2 so duoc o nha cham soc Ba con. Vao cuoi thang nam nay Me con qua lai. Va lo dam cuoi cho em Chinh con, va nam toi Thay Dai chiu chuc sau. Xin cha thuong cau nguyen cho gia dinh con.

Xin kinh chuc cha binh an manh khoe trong doi song muc vu.

Kinh chao,




  1. Dear Father,

    I sent the invitation to (or for) you already and am just now replying to let you know.  I am quite busy at this diocese.  There are two groups: an American one and a Mexican one and 6500 followers.  Being the only one here, I am very busy.

    In addition, my father has been ill but thanks to the Lord and the Virgin Mother, sisters Tuyen and Hien came just in time and have been helping him.  My mother will return at the end of this month and take care of my brother Chinh's wedding and next year (Thay Dai chiu chuc sau).  Please pray for us.

  2. Dear Father,

    I have sent you the invitation and I am now replying just to let you know.  I am very busy at this parish.  There are two communities: English and Mexican, with about 6500 parishioners.  I am the only here so I am quite busy.

    Add to that, my dad just became sick, but with the blessing of God and Virgin Mary, sisters Tuyen and Hien arrived in time.  So now, the sisters stay home to help caring for my dad.   End of this May, my mom will come back to tend for my brother Chinh's wedding.   Also, brother Dai is being ordained as deacon this year.  Father, please pray for our family.

    I wish you well in Christ

    Best Regards,

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