
Somebody is copying my group?

by  |  earlier

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Has anybody else ever had problems with ppl copying from your group?Ok I run a Y&R group and I KNOW that their are ton of them.But their is this one group that is giving me major problems first they invited my members to their group and stole my spoilers.I resolved it by reporting them.Then they steal my picture again reported them but they kept changing the group name and no punishment happened(both times).Now their is a new problem they have copied my ENTIRE group description and I have gone out of my way to make my group as unique as I can I make my own pictures .Its really ticking me off that this group copies me.I'm not sure if this would count as grounds to report them,can somebody give me advice on what to do?




  1. you're not the first whose had a rival group started. it's not against TOS to invite your members to that group. the members had a choice to join it or not to.

    the more you react, the more they get off on it. report the violations and then forget about them. even if it's a near replica of your group, the founded dates will show one is quite new and yours is established. you really have nothing to worry about, you may loose a few members but in the long run, your group will recover before the other group ever get's off the ground

  2. well the only thing that I can think of is to delete the whole thing and make a new one then hopefully they wont be able to find you and you can try to get your members back

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