
Someone from Dundalk???

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next september i'll go to ireland and stay there for 3months..

probably i'll be in a city near dublin..maybe Dundalk.How long does it take from Dundalk to Dublin? is it a little city?

I'd like to know something more about it..can you help me?

(forgive any mistake.italian girl)




  1. Dundalk is a town, not a city ....

  2. I live fairly close to Dundalk.

    It takes more or less an hour to get to dublin from Dundalk.

    There are plenty of things to do in Dundalk, including:

    bowing in the "sportsbowl"

    Iceskating in "ice dome"

    Indoor football fields if your a sporty person

    Lots and lots of places to eat, e.g. The imperial hotel, The Windmill bar

    A great shopping centre called Marshes.

    A swimming pool

    Have a great time, and be sure to slip across the border since your going to be close.


  3. Im from Dundalk and I go to University just outside Dublin so im always doing the commute to Dublin.

    Dundalk is the biggest town in Ireland and is looking to get City status. It is placed in the middle (80km) of two biggest Citys in Ireland  Belfast and Dublin.

    Have a look at these links:

    Also if you are looking for public transport to Dublin there are two ways to Dublin Bus and by Rail(train). The Train can cost €22 for a return to Dublin. I go by Dublink ( ) which costs €10 for a return or get a ten trip like I do and it will cost you €4 each time you get the bus, the ticket costs €40.

  4. Dundalk is a really nice place. It's about 1-1 ½  hours drive from Dublin. The Population from the last census was around  35,085 if I remember correctly.

    It's an average sized town. Some parts of it are very rural and country like.

    Here's some links that might help you more than I can:

    Good Luck. = )

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