
Someone help give me advice?

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alrite at my school theres a girl whos the hottest girl in the world to me(percect 10) but when ever i talk to her its awkward but theres a girl whos nowhere as pretty but shes not ugly(on my scale shes a 5-6) and i talk to her and its easy i wanna ask one out but who should it be?hhmmm




  1. First of all never allow anyone to make you that nervous.  They are just people like everyone else.  We put too much emphasis on looks these days.  I would suggest that you talk to the one that's easy to converse with. Nine times out to ten if you think she's hot then she probably does too.  Which is probably why you have a hard time talking to her.  Personality wins over every time because to be in a relationship you have to talk. Hope that helps you out. Your young and you will learn by trial and error in most  situations, but when you find someone you can confide in( hopefully mom or dad or other family member) then take their advice.

  2. The one who has the best qualities and the good personality, and you have to see who is it...

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