
Someone help me with this?

by  |  earlier

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My last period was Aug 11-16

had s*x on the 15th.

Aug 26th had s*x

Aug 27 and 28th I've been feeling like

Mouth is really watery like I'm going to throw-up= nausea


diarrhea, little dizzy at times

really really cramp

My period doesn't start for another 11 days

My period aren't regular AT all, I had miscarriage in May at 4months, so now my periods aren't regular. Just asking to see if someone else felt this before and we are trying so no need to say "Wrap it up" thanks!




  1. It could be, maybe not. But syptoms usually don't start coming on until after you have missed you period by a week or so.

    good luck

  2. i had symptoms WAY before  my first missed period... I had really  bad headaches, heartburn and really its very possible

  3. I would wait to see if you miss your period before you test for anything...Be patient...Good luck to you!!!!

  4. You quite possibly could be pregnant. I felt symptomns such as you describe about 3 days after ovulating. Good luck!

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