
Someone please answer this?

by Guest56156  |  earlier

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This is my 2nd time asking this, today I observed that I have fertile CM, but I am still having AF. Is it possible to be fertile during your period? Someone please help. Today is day 10 of AF, took Clomid on days 3-7.




  1. It is possible to observe some EWCM while on your period, or at anytime in your cycle. You should always consider yourself fertile if ovulation has not been confirmed. If ovulation has been confirmed, you should not consider yourself fertile. It is possible to ovulate while on your period. It is not super common, but some women do ovulate during their period. So there's a chance that you may be ovulating. Can you use an ovulation predictor kit, just to check and be sure? Your body might also be gearing up to ovulate. It is said that EWCM usually dries up the day before, or the day of ovulation. So I would keep an eye on it, and maybe try to get an OPK. I would also mention your bleeding to your Dr. Your period should not last 10 days. A healthy period should last only up to 7 days. Hope this helps, and good luck to you. Here's all the baby dust in the world for you :)

  2. OMG sorry that af takes so long but to answer your question yes you can be fertile during your period! only about your cm, it might be caused that because you are still having af, but i have never been in your situation, but you can be! good luck

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