
Someone please help!!!!!!?

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Ok so I'm currently going to school to get my associate degree and license in dental hygiene but eventually i want to go to dental school. I need a bachelors degree to be able to attend dental school right? If I start working for a couple years after getting my associate degree in dental hyigene and then apply to USC to get my bachelors, will they still accept me? Or would I have a very low chance of getting accepted because I didn't go straight after getting my associate degree? Someone please help :) Thanks




  1. I would recommend you getting your bachelors degree first. Yes it would decrease your chances if you take a break. But once you get your bachelors degree then you could work and take a couple of years off. After that you could apply to graduate school and go for your dental degree. This way when you apply for graduate school, you would have working experience to put in your application and some grad schools require experience.

    I'm an accounting students and to become an MBA some graduate schools actually require or prefer you to have working ecperience. So i guess it might be the same to get into a dental school.

  2. I'm almost positive you'll need your Bachelors =(

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