
Someone was following me last night?

by  |  earlier

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Well it happened last night at around 3;00am.I was walking towards mu car that was parallel parked on a street(in the downtown distrcit).Two guys were parked on the opposite side of the street with their windows down staring at me.I walked to my car,started the engine and drove off. As soon as I was pulling out of the parking space, they started their car and started following me. I made many turns,including the ''4 times right turns'', and it was clear they we're following me. I headed to the highway and drove off but they we're still following me. I speeded up to 170-175 km/h and they were still there at a distance. I swithced highways at the interchange and sped off again but they were still behind. at one point the highway separates in 5 different branches and it's really badly made. I took one of the 5 that brings you to a resendential neighbourhodd and I tried to hide in of the those small streets. He was gone! Maybe I should have called the cops but what could they have done??




  1. I assume you are a government spy?

  2. You could have called the police, and they would either just take down the information or sent a unit in your direction.

    You could also (if you were aware of the location) drove to the nearest police station or fire station.

  3. U shuld hav called d cops.Criminals or people who really trouble others shuld be in d prison.

  4. Are you a really hot female?

    if so, then you have your answer.

  5. ...took the endless supply of crack from you. thats exactly what the cops would have done. lol

  6. You should have called the police and they would have sent an officer to help you out, the police dispatcher would have informed you to drive to a large lighted area and the police would have taken care of this.

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