
Something romantic please...?

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Love is...

(Please don't say love is crab)




  1. The more you Know The less You understand,
    So if You Dont know wath Im Saying so you dont Know LOVE Afterall.
    Very Romantic And GEEk like UHU?

  2. love make u good bed-polo player. do u

  3. This Boy Meets This Girl But He Has Known Her For Ages He Starts Talking To Her And She Talks To Him Too When They Have Been Talking For A While About 2 Months They Boy Decides To Tell The Girl He Likes Her And She Doesnt Really Knwo What To Say So When He Asks Her Out She Says She Doest Know So She Keeps Him Waiting And He Keeps Asking About 2 And A Half Months Later The Girls Says Yes to The Boy And He Is All Over The Moon About It But The Girl Doesnt Want Her Family To Know She Is Going Out With Him Because Her Mum Doesnt like The Boys Mum That Is Why It Took Her So Long To Give Him An Answer. Then They Where Going Out For About 2 Months And The Boy Broke Up With The Girl Because She Wouldnt Hold His Hand Or AnyThing, But About 4-5 Months Later They Started Talkin Againg Because When They Broke Up They Never Spoke To Each Other Until The Girl Started Tlakin 2 Him Again And She Started To Go Round His House To See Him And His Sister But Before This She Ws Askin Him Out But He Ws I Dont Know As You Wont Do AnyThing And The Girl Said She Will But He Stil Said I Dont Know aNY wAY a While After She Kept Going Round His House They Started To Hold Hands And Cudle And All His Mates Were Like Why Dont You Just Go Out And They Were Like Dunno Lol But Soon After The Boy Asked The Girl Out Again And This Time She Said Yes Staright Away And They Do Stuff Now They Hold Hands Cuddles Kiss Get Off Etc And More Lol So In The End It All Wokred Out And They Are Still Goin Out Now It Is Nearly 6 Months. x

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