
Something was calling my name?

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i just moved into a house about 3 weeks ago it is very old and one of the first nights at like 3 in the morning when everyone else was asleep i swore i heard something quietly calling me it went on for about a minute stopped for 3 or 4 and started again for like 30 seconds, i didnt do anything about it i just looked around and didnt see anything so i went back to watching my movie while it was calling me, what was it and what should i do about it.




  1. Try to communicate with it...Good luck

  2. that's scaryyyyy lol

    I don't know what to tell you except there's an explanation for everything, maybe something in the house (like appliances..) were making noise and it sounded like your name...who knows

    if it persists, then I'd be worried, haha maybe that house is haunted? Personally I'm not sure I believe in that stuff...

    Good luck though

    oh yeah and kyle is a hotttt name lol

  3. Well, if you think it was something supernatural or of that nature, and if you have money to spend, find someone who is a Medium or something of that sort, that can communicate with the "beyond". If you think it is the case of something like this, watch for other weird and unexplained things happening.  

    You said this house is old, did you know anything about the history when you moved in? Has anyone told you anything about it? Do you think possibly you could be freaking your own self out, like it is an old house so that gives it that certain feel to it to make it sort of scary so maybe you will "hear things"??

    If you don't think it is that, maybe there is some noise in the house, like an air vent or something, that is happening that could sound like your name. What is your name anyway, if you don't mind me asking?

    And it could be that it is just in your mind. I hear stuff sometimes... like when I lay my head on the pillow I swear I hear a TV, but if I put my head up it is nothing. I think it is because of laying on that ear and the noise or sound I hear from it being pressed against my ear... plus I always have a fan going when I sleep to block out noises and it mutes that... to make a long story short it makes me think I am hearing something that I am not, just air.

    I hope some of these suggestions work or help!  

  4. Do some research on the history of the house if you believe its something supernatural.

    You will probably find your just nervous about the new place and your mind is playing tricks on you.  

  5. sometimes it happens to me to calm down and say in your mind it was just nothing because if you just say to other people they will call you "crazy"

  6. well they say 3 o clock am is the devils time and weird things happen then soooo chances are it was a spirt looking for attention or help goood luck

  7. it was probably someone there with you, I wouldnt doubt it, lol, they're all over, but, it doesnt sound tooo, threatning right now, just let them know you feel there presence, and that you hear them, and try telling them that its ok, you mean them no harm, and that your sorry but they are no longer among the living, and that it is maybe time to pass on, i hope that helps, lol, but i hear sometimes they dont know they are dead, and feel that it is their home still, just let them know those things and hope for the best, lol, best wishes to you and good luck, i hope they leave you alone after, { just remind them that you mean them no harmif you hear it again well i'd find out whut went on in that place before, and maybe find some help, from pros or something, once again good luck and best wishes

  8. I have experienced the same thing you are experiencing. What is happening is that a demonic or evil spirit may be trying to frighten you. You should not tolerate it however. What you need to do is pray and ask Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God (like you would a normal person) and ask him to protect you and your family). Then whenever any strange thing happens again command that demon to leave you and your house alone in the name of Jesus Christ. By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ. If the problem persist you can ask a pastor to bless your house, pray for the safety of you and your family and you can ask him/her for advice.

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