
Somethings Wrong With My Gerbil?

by  |  earlier

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He's been really slow lately but sometimes when I try to pick him up a little skittish and I dont know if his teeth are overgrown and he hasent been eating. But, hes been drinking his water normally. And today I went to clean his cage and I took him out and I found a ring around his nose that looked bloody, It was dry though. My friend said it might be dehidration or he hit it. If anyone can tell me whats wrong with him I would be SOOOO grateful. Thanks.




  1. Depending on your gerbil, you can feed him EITHER fruits OR veggies to get him to eat. Bananas are a soft fruit that would be easier on his teeth if that's the issue.

    Does he have things to chew on in his cage? Gerbils need to chew on things--paper towel rolls, small wooden blocks, gerbil chew toys--to keep their teeth from overgrowing and making them not eat.

    If it's been more than 24 hours and he hasn't touched his food at all, your best bet is to bring him to the veterinarian who will be able to diagnose him properly and give you better instructions on how to take care of him.


    Have you rotated the chewable items out recently? They easily bore of they have the same things around them all the time.

  2. Go to a vet if you can afford it. They dont charge much for small animals.

    Blood sounds like an injury. Or he may be short on vitamin C. This wont hurt to try. Get a vitamin C tablet, crush it and sprinkle a bit on a small piece of banana every day.

  3. i feel so bad for him.. i don't want to worry you but i don't think that if he isn't eating that might be a bad sign. i would definately take him to the vet because that simmilar problem happened to one of my hamsters but luckily she survived the scary situation because the vet gave her some medecine and she lived... good luck and i hope he feels better!

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