
Sony SS-F5000?

by Guest60729  |  earlier

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If any body has these speakers would you tell me which reciever are you using to operate them and are they good speakers to buy.




  1. I don't have the speakers, but I'll offer the following comments as input for your consideration.

    First, the most important opinion re speakers is that of the person paying/using them. It really doesn't matter what anyone else says as long as you like them.

    That said, you need to hear them with your music. If you have not heard them take some familiar music to a store and listen.

    Second, the amplifier or receiver they are connected to isn't going to make much if any difference.

    The going price for these speakers in the US is between $130 and $180. At that price these are not high end speakers (In general Sony are NOT known for speakers) and you can do better for about the same price.

    Some considerations:

    - 88 db sensitivity is not great ... it means you need twice as powerful a receiver to get the same loudness relative to, for example, speakers with 91 db sensitivity (and 4x the power of one with 94 db rating).

    - The lack of a real woofer means the low end will be weak and (probably) "boomy" (this is going to be partly true for all speakers in this class ... but some are better than others)

    The second link is to some price range comparable speakers of the same type (floorstanding). I would suggest looking at almost any of the speakers on this list, but in particular the Boston VR-2 or Klipsch Synergy.

    That said, you are not going to get a great "low end" at this price range, so consider adding a subwoofer at some future point (This is a class of speaker that often has good (>50% off) sales at Best BUY or elsewhere ... if you keep your eye open). If this is an option focus now on the midrange and high end and don't worry too much about the bass (since if you buy a subwoofer all the bass will come from it).

    If that appeals you could refocus on bookshelf (rather than floorstanding) speakers and possibly find something (use the site I referenced to look for possibilities) that would allow purchase of a pair of bookshelf speakers and a sub-woofer for about $300.

    Anyway .. some input/suggestions ... just remember you must listen yourself to be able to decide. You can't choose speakers on the basis of specs or price alone.

    Hope this helps.

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