
Sooo many girly-girls??!?!?!?!?

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I'm going into the 8th grade at a new school and yesterday was orientation.

ALL the girls looked like BARBIES.

And i'm like an anti-barbie.

But i dont want them to think i'm one of them.

How can i show i'm not?

Some of them have already come up to me and been all "omg!!" and i gave them the finger but thats about it.

How can i show my individuality??




  1. i seriously hate girls like that. they r so freakin' annoying.

    in my school there where girls who always judged me because i wore dark clothes and c**p and i would wear insane eye makeup. i then tried 2 change myself 2 be more girly 2 fit in and it so didnt work out so i went bk 2 myself and i didnt care what they thought about me. u should do the same. :) dont be pressure 2 change just 2 fit in because u'll just end up lieing to yourself and others.

    so be yourself :)

  2. i think giving them the finger shows your individuality enough.

  3. be yourself and everyone will know what you are all about.  

  4. hi, just try to find some girls that arent like that.

  5. How about not giving people you don't even know the finger? Just because you think your original doesn't mean you have to try act like a tough *********. You don't have to be mean to someone who isn't exactly like you. You can still be nice to someone that you don't want to be friends with. It just takes a mature person to do that. Which your obviously not.  

  6. Well, I'm not a girl and don't really know what this is all.

    I don't think I'd want to be friends with someone who didn't like me.  I guess you can be anti-Barbie by not associating with the Barbies of the school.

  7. just be yourself if you go out of your way to make them mad, you will just look like a fake person, there is barbie fake and then there is poser fake

    dont be either

  8. U sound kinda weird.

    If u dont want to b made fun of for your intire school experance then change urr look.

  9. im jus like that aswell. the best thing to do is be yourself and look for people are more like you. only talk to these girls as much as u need to. Your indiviuality will show itself.  

  10. Just be yourself and they should pick up that you have individuality and that you're not like everyone else! However, I do think by "giving them the finger" you are being a tiny bit rude. Fair enough that their "OMG!"ing is annoying, but if you just laugh it off or ignore it then people with think you are a bit more sophisticated than the rest :) I fully understand your problem, I've been want to fit in, but you don't want to blend in. Just be yourself because you are unique and soon enough people will want to be friends with you because they'll love the fact that you're different and everyone else is trying to be the exact same as each other! Good luck!  

  11. i'm sure that All the girls will be like that

    don't worry when school starts i'm positive you will find some friends

    i bet you 5$ you will :]

  12. =]

  13. Just be yourself&&ignore them.

    Who knows?

    They might want to become your friends.

    Just pretend nothing is wrong&&go with the flow.

    Good Luck:]!

  14. you don't have to like them, but you should at least be nice to them! just wear what you like and i'm sure you will make friends. and all those girls at orientation aren't necessarily going to be in your classes so you may not even have to deal with them. just be nice to everyone and just because they dress all "girly" doesn't mean they are not nice. plus, i don't think you want to make enemies at a new school.  

  15. That is not a very good way to start off. First of all I think that is completely and entirely rude to give someone the finger when they were just trying to be friendly. Secondly why do you care if they all ct like barbies. Just dress the way you dress and show off your own personality. If they don't like you then too bad for them. Not everyone in that school is the same so just meet new people and hang out with the ones that you like for who they are.

  16. firstly you should try and be like every o9ne eles for the first month until you make  friends then you should be your own identity that way you will have alot of friendds

  17. HAHAHA just keep doing what u do :)

  18. lol you rock!!!!!!!!!! i think u should keep doing what you do sounds like it works wonders.  just ignore them, don't sit with them at lunch, dont act like them, etc just act like urself.  make it like theyre not there and just talk to your friends and stuff, i mean its not like you shouldnt talk to them but if u dont to just dont!

  19. i get that all the time lol try be nice to people and they just judge! just keep being who you are and if they try get all fake friendly on you and bitchy just... give them the finger again lol... dont end up as one!!! ♥ you will find your own group of friends in time tho ^-^ good luck!

  20. someone might look at u and think ur some dirty punk emo scene teeny bopper......dont steretype them because u might be intimidated!! Im not picking saying the truth..dont be a bitchh to people..u attract more bees with honey...if theyre mean or whatever ignore them because thats what hey want...but insulting them and calling them "barbie" isnt the way   and makes u look jealous!

    just be you and respect others...ur young...8th grade and ya'll already have hatred for other cliques...sad

  21. Learn guitar or drums, join a punk rock ska reggae latin band and show them that girls can also be creative, intelligent and socially conscious , not just all about looks.

  22. ignore them but don't be a total b. if you act like that NOBODY will like you. just ignore them and walk away everytime they talk to you.

    please help me?;...

  23. be yourself they'll see lol big shocker

  24. Lol nice and just keep doing what you are doing now. They probably will get the message you are not another Barbie doll clone. And weird. At my school I always get made fun of for being known as the girliest girl.

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