
Sore/Throbbing Knees through Physical Activity?

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I play basketball so i'm jumping around vigorously.

after i jump a few times my knees start to throb painfully.

just enough to feel uncomfortable to be running/jumping on them.

the front of the lower knee always seem to get bruised easily and pain starts there.

and under the knee the little chord near the inner part of the leg throbs also.

ive always had a problem crouching down and gettin back up due to the permanent soreness in my knees.

lately without crouching or jumping my knees have been tingling like slightly buckling when i walk and when staying still

can i put ice on it, or any braces.

when i was little i played 3 years of catcher in baseball




  1. I would suggest that you see your physician and explain to him what you are feeling . He may order an x-ray to see if there is a gap in the cartilage and the bone . Basketball is terrible for the knees especially from  what you have describe the plays  on the court . Most professional have problem with their knees from all pounding they taken in their career . Because you aren't a professional it doesn't mean that you are immune form injuries , aches and pains . As well being a catcher in baseball league has been rough on your knees . Let your physician advise you whether or not you should be wearing a knee brace . As for me let me say that you take good care of your body especially your knees as you only have two and you don't want a knee replacement at your age already as you can only have done twice for each knee and they are only good for 10 years maximum each one . After that you are in a wheelchair or crutches . Your pick . Good luck and have a great day .

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