
Sore heel when pressured - like walking.?

by  |  earlier

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I have a sore left heel after jumping off a wall around 2 / ft high. It now hurts whenever I walk. Can you give me any information and advice on how to help get it better as soon as possible,

Thanks in advance





  1. It could be a heel spur or maybe you injured your Achilles tendon.

    Both hurt quite a bit. Getting a heel spur spontaneously would be pretty random.. but it could happen I suppose.

    Regardless, a good rule of thumb is RICE.

    Rest it

    Ice it

    Compress it

    Elevate it

    if that doesn't bring you relief, take some acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

    if you're still in pain, it couldn't hurt to see a doctor.

    take care and get well soon.

  2. It sounds like Achilles Tendinitis. See this video and tape it to allow healing to the tendon. If there is swelling apply Ice for a couple of minutes.  

  3. It may be a heel spur, I got one after a event much like yours. If it is it will hurt for a little bit. there are pads you can get at the drug store you can ask the pharmacist the best one for you. I haven't had a problem with my spur since i put the pad in my shoes.

  4. If its the bottom of your heel it's probably just bruised, just ice it and keep your foot up. If its the back of your heel you could of strained your achillies, ice it, but be careful, if it doesn't get better in a week or two go to the doctor

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