
South African Y/A question?

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Are the so called liberals who frequent the South African forum in fact fascists in disguise?

Why is it that I have been deleted twice in a single week, when all I have posted is truthful replies to often derogatory and racist anti white remarks by Ayiza and his moronic cohorts, yet that same group who post vile subject matter such as atrocicious wishes for other contributors to be raped, labeling others as inbred white trash and also incessantly demeaning the religions of others in their atheist confusion, are still posting from their first accounts? Hypocrisy?

Further to that, there are a group of ANC supporters and Marxists who have been regulars to this forum for over a year who now only occassionally post, yet are always present thumbing down opinions differing to their own and reporting any and all observations they deem offensive yet are too cowardly to have their say in the open, you know who are, come out now and admit your deceit, let your cowardice rest, just for once!




  1. They are not man/woman or proud enough of what they stand for  -  maybe in their hearts of hearts they realize the truth

  2. Yes they are cowards, they will never own up to reporting you.

    And you get very little assistance from the Y/A help desk when asking why questions were deleted. You get the standard responce, it violated community guidelines...WHICH ONES ?

    We do not need a moderator, we just need people to grow up..and own up when they report you..and why..

  3. They're simply displaying their true colours - once again. Cowards. But are you surprised? Their heroes are baby murderers and despotic leaders. Fecking wastes of oxygen!

  4. Bull when I saw XI I knew it and all I got out was "ag S**t". I think it a matter of most of us dont report and then a few does all the time. I flet like reporting someone yesterday but when it came to pussing the button I couldend it felt wrong. I feel everybody should be able to say what they want without the reporting thing happening.

    In most other forums ex YA they have modderators, would it be possable to ask YA if we can have our own mods, they will be people like DV and one or 2 other top contributers and when I Q gets reported it is up to them to decide if it gets deleted. No one needs to know who they are eiether.

    My 2c worth

  5. How many lives do you have Bull?

  6. I admit to one thing, and that is giving you and Ayiza thumbs down during your little spat that found both of you insulting not only each other but your respective opposite races. I really felt that it was uncalled for and rather vicious...

    I think Ayiza is lucky in the sense that he doesnt frequent this place as much. If you take notice he hardly responds to many questions and will probably ask a question once in a week or so forth.

    Another problem, we get newbies on a regular basis who happen upon our questions and decide to give violatons left and right as some to not get what we're trying to achieve here and want it to remain a platform for asking whether we ride elephants here or own pet lions.

    I'm sure a few remain loyal to the pact we had, myself included. Last week Shoki reported the then "propeller" and did not hide it. He was new and came with garb wishing upon others bad. I personally emaile him after that to tell him why he was out of line and am glad to say he has since simmered his views and anger.

    Other than that, I ignore stuff that miffs me and answer only when necessary. Though not dark/brown in complexion I did take offence to your remark about Ayiza being t**d skinned along with some of the remarks you make about black people, you let yourself stoop to Ayiza's level and just give him more reason to display his immaturity and further insult white people as well. He in turn is no better, but we all know he's been at a stooped level for ages and no one can save him.

    As for deletions, they are a major yawn and I'll restrict myself from calling them names as I have a few vulgar ones roaming around in my head at the moment. What also pisses me off is people going into past resolved questions and deleting them.  One must really be denuded of an education and life to go do that... thats why I've privatised my q & a... not that it helps because they still find them through others Q&A... its a shame that we cant voice opinions without some flag happy r****d doing away with them...

  7. so sorry that you had to start again, you use such big words that often I just avoid your statements :)

    If it makes you feel better I havent reported anyone. But I do hand out thumbs-down.

    Apparently ferrari man and I posted the same question/email a week ago, his got deleted and mine didnt. No idea why!!

  8. Do not worry Bull XI, next week I will make sure Varklise asks 10 questions and I will give you BA in all 10 to "push" you to Level 2, because with Level 1 you are just an amoeba......I hope the rest will understand but that is what I am going to do even if you are Bull XXVII......We must stand together and have these people deleted, because we are more than them and if they can do it to us we can do it back to them......we will hit them right off Yahoo and if they are not carefull, it will be forever.

  9. They are ANC supporting scum and terrified that the truth will get out there to an ignorent and misinformed world public.

  10. After all the S**t you have gone through with this I feel like reporting questions that are racist. Man it makes me so mad. I lost a few questions one day last week and I have hung low this week. But if they start reporting then so will I. I don't like and I have reported one Q on the NZ board but I can start.

    I remember when I first joined there was a "packed" that nobody would report Q's . What happened? Just like everything in SA it fell apart!

    Hang in there

  11. A very good question to which you unfortunately won't receive a truth-full answer . I am sure that you can remember a similar question of mine after the Wrrr situation we had where I got deleted yet his postings where he actually promoted farm murders etc never got deleted !  

    I must say that I weren't impressed with both of you and the things you posted to each other but what can I say . We all get angry sometimes !

    Reporting is realy infantile .

  12. They will never do that Bull and what do we expect after all they are ANC supporters! I wonder whom is using the family brain cell when they post their questions? Or when they put thumbs down?

    Like you said they are Cowards, and cowards never stand up to a challenge they'd rather run home with their tail between their legs!

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