
Spain vs usa basketball team?

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what did u guys think about the game? what was your reaction to the game?

i wasn't surprised that kobe elbowed his lakers teammate pau gasol...




  1. lol... kobe knows that pau gasol isn't a physical type of player so he decided to push him down... >.< i thought the game was really good because this was prolly the best game USA had from behind the 3 point line... they were knockin down threes for once and it was exciting to watch them play... they were makin shots all over the place... dunkin it... shooting it... defending... stealing... it was just one of those USA games, but the threes just made it a lot better... a whole lot better... i hope they can keep it up though... they're gonna be unstoppable... :]

  2. USA is looking strong and i think will win gold.... i loved wade's dunk....

  3. that was hilarious when bryant ran gasol over

  4. I think the USA will lose again in the tourney. Europe and basketball is very different the the NBA. They really use a lot of planning. I think everyone knows the USA will lose one game at most and the Euro teams are willing to lose now in hopes of an upset in the tourney. They have been know to lose games for the propose of seeding. I am not saying these teams can beat the USA. I am saying the teams we are seeing now are not the teams we will see in the tourney. The will be sharper and use more pick and rolls, the refs are also going to change styles and all those so called blocks by the USA will become goal tending.

  5. I wasn't surprised that USA won again. They are going to take home the gold. Good game by USA, Spain played okay in the first quarter, but just lost it from then.

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