
Spanish Help? ?

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If anyone can help me, it would be so kind of you. All you have to do is, go to the following link:

Download the file. Disregard 7/8 audios. Just look at the one that says "Espanol en la onu."

If you can kindly write down, word for word, the words that are said in there in Spanish, and post it here, I will be so grateful. I'm willing to give you a tip on paypal for being so kind (just leave your paypal address here)

Thanks so much!




  1. --- Spanish is one of the 6 official languages of the UN, along with English, French, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.  Spanish is the mother tongue of more than four hundred million people throughout the world.  How is this reflected in the reality of the UN?  We ask Marcelo Suarez Salvia, Argentinian delegate to the UN:

    Q: What is the presence of the Spanish language within the UN organization?

    A: Spanish has a very important presence within the UN. It is one of the official languages of the organization.  It is also the working language of the general assemblies of the Security Council, and of the Economic and Social Council, as well as its functional commissions.  It is also a language which grows each day - it is spoken by more than four hundred million people throughout the world - And if we take into account that everything the UN does, it does with the people in mind, the larger the amount of information that the UN can provide in Spanish, the better it will be for the organization, in terms that the people will be aware of what the UN organization is doing for them.

    Q: Are the Spanish-speaking delegations here in the UN organized in defense of Spanish?  Do they have constant ongoing communication?

    A: We have an informal way of working between Spanish-speaking delegations that is coordinated to oversee the fact that the Spanish language is given respect from the organization, as one of its official languages, and one of its working languages.

    Q: Does what happens in the UN really arrive to the public in Spanish speaking countries in the same way as in English or French?

    A: Well, there are a few things to consider there. For example, the accessibility of technology.  Let's say that the Spanish language is spoken mostly in Latin America, where, by extension, there are distinctions in development. Not all countries are in equal technological conditions.  So this causes that, for example, if the UN produces material which can be accessible via the internet, it is not guaranteed that this material will be dispersed at as massive a level as it may have, for example, through radio transmission.  We find that radio has a more massive level of arrival, in our region, much more  important than the level of access to the internet. Of course, this is improving every day, but from one day to the next, no mode of communication can, nor ought to replace another.  

    As it relates to what happens in English or French, I would not know how to answer, because, as a disgrace to Spanish, the UN - being a multilateral international bureaucracy - many times is a victim of circumstance, and does not respect the parity of all of its official languages, and most of the information that is made public is written in English.  So that's one of the reasons that all Spanish speaking delegations are important to preserve the principle of parity of languages, permitting the production of information in all languages - including, of course, Spanish.  And this will increase the dispersion of the message, and as a consequence, increase the knowledge of the public about what the UN is doing for them.

    Q: This has been Marcelo Suarez Salvia, Argentinian delegate to the UN.  I am Laura Kietkovski, United Nations, New York. ---


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