
Sparring tips.?

by  |  earlier

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ive been boxing for about a year and a half. and of course ive sparred so many times ive lost count. but once im in the ring i feel as if im barely hitting my opponent but once i finish my friends tell me i was hittig him alot. it also seems im always a step shorter when doing my jabs and i miss. tips appreciated from experienced trainers/boxers




  1. Try filming all your sparring sessions with a camcorder on a tripod so you can review them later and analyze your technique. It always helps to see for yourself where you can improve and what mistakes you make. As far as being a step shorter on your jabs....make sure you're not squaring yourself off. Make sure your lead shoulder is pointed forward when you throw your jab and you'll notice a gain of a few inches on your reach.

  2. First thing.. you feel like your barely hitting him, but you talk to him, and he says you get him a bit. Its just how it is buddy.. its only when you snap their head back or hit them flush when you know you've tagged him. A step shorter when you jab.. could be your not completely relaxed and really letting yourself go. After 18months you should know your range really well, and shouldn't be falling short. I think its probably a matter of you not being relaxed and not completely committing to the punch. A quick fix will be to double/triple up the jab.. but if you are falling short, watch for a right hand counter on the way in for the 2nd/3rd etc. jab.

  3. practice! hit a bag! get some 3 pound weights or VERY heavy gloves and do punches. it'll make your arms stronger and faster.

  4. Ok, it's been awhile since I've boxed. But I've studied alot since then of differant styles of boxing and martial arts. Lets start with basics. Start doing pushup with your hands close together and a various distance. Something like close, normal and wide pushups. Aleast three times a week no more than 5. You have to give your muscles time to heal. Sounds lame but what you want is power. Right now you are more than likely using 16 ounce gloves. They get in the way and feel like a ton after a few rounds.  If your squared up against someone your size then you should have about the same arm reach.  If you are right handed (your power hand)your left foot will be forward and your right back and to the right. Make sure you are on the ball of your right foot. Now jabs are good, use them to keep your opponent off balance. Shoot the jab out there over and over again. If you can't get a good strike to the jaw, that area between the lower ear and chin. Then tire out his right shoulder by constantly  striking his shoulder as he faces you. This works with the left shoulder aswell.  What happens is he will drop his hands and leave himself wide open for you to finish him off. Don't worry about missing everyone misses.  You don't want to just get a good jab, you want a upper cut, a round house, and a good right hand strike straight to the jaw. Who ever you fight you want to circle away from his strong side. So if you are fighting a right handed  same as you. You will want to move or circle to the right to stay away from his power side. Never back up. Period. If he is a south paw then you move to the left. Now comes up what you are going to do with all those pushups.  When you strike something you do not want to pat it, you want to strike it and knock it down. Heres how,when you practice on the heavy bag, get alot closer and don't just hit the bag imagine your hand going though the bag and out the other side. That's power. Use that same routine in the ring, so when you strike your opponent ,you will take this head off. Strike though his head or a body shot. You will break ribs if you follow though with these strikes. You want almost a straight line from the ball of of your foot to your gloved hand. On either side. You want to,so to speak turn into the strike with your hip this adds power aswell. One more thing is you want a vary good core strength, so do crunches and leg raises aleast everyother day.  Another thing is running, the more the better.  5 to 6 days. Know one said it was going to be easy.  Good luck, hope I helped and don't hurt your friends. later

  5. if others watching you are saying you threw a lot of punches then you probably are. but if you don't think you are then an easy cure for that is simply to punch more. as for your jab if your jab is coming up short it is b/c of two possible reasons... are not in range for your jab to land and you need to step closer. are not fully extending your arm and so you are punching with half the length than you have
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