
Special treat to give my horse?

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I haven't seen my horsey in nearly 2 weeks, and now that I can see him soon, I want to give him some sort of special treat. Any ideas on what to give him???




  1. make him home made treats like mollasses cookies. just fo online and find some horse cookie recipes. i make them for my horses and donkey and they L<3ve them!!!!

  2. apple carrot mixture

  3. carrots an apple

  4. My horses always loved eating PB&J sandwiches. I've also seen horses that love jelly-filled doughnuts. Both are cheap and easy to feed, just make sure you clean your horse's face after they eat (haha).

  5. Give him something healthy like fruits and vegetables.  He'll probably be greatful for grapes or apples and a pat on the neck.

  6. cant go wrong with apples=]

    or maybe a couple of sugar cubes, my horse gets a little of those but not too much, its sugar and not very healthy

  7. Whenever i see my horse i give him carrots, he loves them or oats, an apple maybe?

  8. Carrots, watermelon, handful of sweetfeed.

  9. Rice Pizza Treats

    1 or more plain rice cakes




    Any small treats your horse loves

    Coat the rice cake with the molasses and decorate like a pizza with any small treats your horse loves.

    Stuffed Apples

    1 apple

    3 tbsp molasses

    1 tbsp alfalfa

    Cut apple in half. Cut out the core and carve a hole inside the apple. Fill in hole with 2 tbsp molasses and 1 tbsp of alfalfa. Spread 1 tbsp molasses along the edges of both halves of the apple. Then put the apple back together, leave it in the fridge to harden. Serve!

    1 apple

    2 large carrots

    1 tablespoons sugar


    Chop the apple into medium slices. Cut the carrots into small pieces. Put them in a bag or Tupperware container. Cut watermelon into small pieces. Put them in with carrots and apples. Add sugar. Close bag or Tupperware, and shake until sugar isn't noticed. This is a very addicting treat!

    White Winter Trail Mix

    1/4 cup powdered sugar

    4 teaspoons salt

    1 cup cheerios

    1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal

    1 cup corn

    3 teaspoons brown sugar

    Put everything in a zip lock bag, close the bag, and shake for 10 seconds. This treat is great for the trails!

    Horsey B-Day Cake

    4 cups sweet feed or oats

    1 cup molasses or honey

    3 carrots cut into sticks and shreds

    1 apple

    Mix the honey and sweet feed or oats together in a big bowl. When mixed fully together, place the mixture on a plate and shape into the form of a birthday cake or a carrot. Use your imagination. Use the carrots as candles and garnish the rest of the cake with apple and carrot shavings. Horses really enjoy this sticky but delicious treat, and it's really fun to make too!

    Holiday Treats

    1 cup flour

    1 cup Grape Nuts cereal

    1/4 cup light corn syrup (Karo)

    1/4 cup water

    2 tablespoons oil

    1 tablespoon peppermint extract

    A few drops of food coloring (I use red)

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients together. Roll into balls or other shapes. These treats work well for holidays. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until crispy. Feed to your favorite horse or pony.

    Halloween Horse Treat

    My horses like their Halloween treats.

    I get a small pumpkin and remove all of the insides being careful to get all of the seeds. I then fill it with a mixture of sliced apples, carrots, grain and whatever other kind of fruit I have on hand. I put the top back on it and give each horse their pumpkin. They have fun squishing the pumpkin to get the treats out.

  10. Apples and all that kind of stuff... Also, if you got to tack shops, some times they'll have really good treats... I give them to my horse and he seems to really enjoy them... Make sure there's molases... It works, I swear...

  11. I would give him an apple. They love apples and he will really appreciate it.

  12. I once made my own treats...

    Take an apple and slice it into a few pieces.  Cover it in molasses and then roll it in oats.  You can put them in the oven for a few minutes if you want to, also.  The horses loved them.

  13. i always give my horses animal crackers

  14. carrots

    sugar cubs



    horse treat cookies

    or go online and fine a recipe for horse cookies and make them your self  ( not meant to sound mean if did )




    maybe a nice little ride to have fun and work those calories off  he he

  15. i had mono and when i finally got to see her i got a feed pan thats a circle and is like 3-4 in deep and i made him a horse salad throw in whatever youd like i put some alfalfa at the bottom and pick some healthy plants and threw on there and decorated it with those little apples and baby carrots and some trail mix she loved it but be creative

    hope i helped and hope your horse is happy to see you

  16. give him a mix of fruit and vegetables and pp&g

  17. a big hug and kiss, clean stable, loads of food water, a couple of strong mints 1 apple and 1 nice carrot and he'll be in heaven

  18. I make my horses a cake for a special event like a birthday or in your case seeing your horse after 2 weeks. This is how you make the cake.

    1. Put the following ingredients in a bowl

        Oats (1 cup)

        Apple Peices/Slices (1 or 2 whole apples/cut them up)

        Sugar Cubes (Handful)

        Carrot Slices (2 whole carrots/cut them up)

        Molassas(about one cup)

    2. Mix these all togather until all the ingredents are sticking togather with the molassas. You might have to add more molasses  if it is not sticking togather.

    3. Put the ingredents on a plate and shape it into a cake shape or whatever shape you would like.

    4. Put carrots on top of the cake like candels.

    5. Put the cake in the refregirator until you are ready to give it to your horse.

    You can probley make little cookie treates out of this stuff to.

  19. i was almost afraid to click on this question.

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