
Special wedding gift for spouse?

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What special gift did you get for your spouse on your wedding day

What did you receive from them?

When did you exchange your gifts?




  1. I am not married yet - not til 8/1/09, but I have thought about some gifts! I am going to send my fiance to Spy Driving School for a day so he can learn to do a 180 and car chase stuff (he loves cars and will LOVE this!) and I am also going to have some nice photos of myself taken for him. I also plan on surprising him on our honeymoon with one of a few options such as renting a Ferrari for one of the days we will be away, going hang gliding or mountain biking or something of that nature.

    I LOVE giving experiences as gifts, anything he has always wanted to do but either didn't know there was a class for or just couldn't afford is always a great gift. Experience Days ( offers great ideas.

    Also, comes up with unique gifts based on a personality questionnaire, their gift ideas have never failed me.

    I will probably reiceve a diamond tennis bracelet and earrings. Additionally he may be getting me a honeymoon upgrade as well like surf lessons in La Jolla or something awesome like that (these are things we have talked about). However, I can't say for sure because like I said, not married yet! ( =

    We will be exchanging our gifts the morning of the wedding. I am sending my gifts and card to his house with one of the groomsmen and he is sending his to me with one of the BMs.

    Good luck!

  2. well. i'm not married yet ,but my parent are.

       he give her kay brand yours and mine  and they lite up the night on there honeymoon.


  3. well writing your owns vows is always great but   the best present can just be a night alone   you are married  

  4. I know that you exchange gifts right before the ceremony and your maid of honor should deliver it.  I am getting my fiancee locket cuff-links with a pic of his deceased dad in them so he can have his father close to him on our wedding day.

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