
Speech programs...?

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I am a teacher assistant who works with a child who has speech delay. The special ed. coordinator gave me a list of the goals and what needs to improve and that is it. Whose responsibility is it to find the materials needed to help this child learn speech? Is it my job as a teacher assistant to find the materials and program what materials to use on specific days? Or is it up to the teacher to do this? Right now I am the one organizing the activities for this child to increase his speech knowledge.




  1. The teacher would know what is needed for the child and should discuss it with the parent and also ask the parent to take the child to speech therapy outside the school.

    Most health insurance cover speech, occupational therapy.

  2. Hello,  I would say that the teacher is the case manager and is responsible to follow through on  a students goals. However,  as an assistant  you can assist the teacher in collecting the needed materials. From experience,  assistant's have in dept knowledge, sometimes more than the teacher, depending on how long  being in the field. But, the bottom line is helping the child with his/her needs and doing the best to provide the services to increase the child's abilities to reach his/her highest potential.

  3. It is your job to help with the material presented. It is not your job to find the material. This stuff should be spelled out in the iep.

  4. A speech therapist is required by the IEP to asses the students needs and administer to those needs. You as an assistant are only to consult and do as the therapist recommends you do.  You are not qualfied to create or admin those goals set by the IEP. Your special ed is out of compliance with rule and regulations with this student. Big No.No....The parents will have a good time if they choose to do something about this...

  5. You say you are the one organizing the activities, but are you the one actually doing the activities with the child?

    It is the TEACHER who is suppose to be doing all these things. SPecial ed law requires for teachers to have training and high qualifications to help with a childs specific problems.

    The WHOLE IEP team, including the parent, are the ones who is suppose to spell out the ideas of what, who, when, etc and write all this into the IEP plan.  This is not suppose to be YOUR decision.
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