
Speed???? why???? why?????

by Guest45076  |  earlier

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why do you youngsters think its all about speed? you can only go 55 in most parts of Florida (where i live). so what the heck is with all the speeding that the young people think so important!!!!????!!!!!????!!!!????




  1. It's all human nature...speed equals thrills.  Heck, Amish kids in my area race their father's buggies on Saturday night.  How's that for a thrill???

  2. The power makes you feel ALIVE...speeding naturally comes with the amazing power to weight ratio.

    Don't speed on the street.

    I don't fall asleep at 163 mph

    For you I would recommend a prescription for one (1) literbike (1000cc) Year 2003-2008. Ride twice daily, minimum 200 miles, and apply full throttle in gears one (1) through four (4) at least. You need to experience the feeling of being on a F1 fighter jet on wheels, and the bittersweet joy of an unexpected powerwheelie.

  3. Dunno, I live @ FL too & all I keep seeing/reading in the news is these rice burning kids getting plasted/wiped all over the pavement.  I can understand wanting to wind out the ride every once & a while but not pushing it through rush hour traffic (& poppin wheelies & sh*t like that).  Think that the youth has the invincibility complex that we may (or may not) have had when younger, only problem is they find out too late that they are only human.

  4. I see more old people and soccer moms driving around at high rates of speed in thier overweight suvs and thier buicks and chryslers. It's car manufactuer's fault as well, h**l even a camry has 270hp now a days (v6 model ofcourse) .

  5. I think speeding stimulates adrenaline production. It's addictive. The speed limit also is not really enforced, so that's an issue, too. People think that by driving faster they can get to where they need to be so much quicker, and I have even seen some folks who think it saves gas (as if the amount of gas you use is relative to the amount of time you use it in). Some folks just don't think. (By the way, it's not only the youngsters who speed.)

  6. like you didnt do that when you were a kid

  7. Lame attempt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I have had all sorts of bikes, and I see the plusses and minusses better than the more one sided, or the ones who aren't speaking from any sort of experience.

    I will tell you this though:

    There is something incredible about riding something that has capabilities way beyond your ability to control. When you feel the power that a 1000cc sportbike has, it is like tapping into an unlimited force of nature. To a man or woman who likes to feel their heart pound and to face thier own personal limits, it can be extremely addictive.

    It also lets scrubby little dudes who couldn't run around the block or bench press 100 pounds feel like they are mighty and powerful. You see that a lot too. By owning a fast and powerful bike, they see themselves as fast and powerful. By owning a bike designed by brilliant engineers, they feel brilliant themselves.

    You can usually tell those guys from the real adrenaline junkies. They are the ones who cant stop talking about how much cooler they are than other people. They bash other kinds of bikes and let their mouths write checks their skills and bodies could never cash.

    Men and women who just love to ride don't need to put other people down. It's the little boys and poseurs who do.

    Want some advice?

    Find a way to beg, borrow or steal a ride on something really powerful. Get a feel for what 90 or more horsepower in a light sporty bike really feels like. Once you get a taste, you will either be scared by it, or NOTHING with two wheels will ever feel quite as good.

  9. come on your not gona tell me that you never did such a thing when you were a kid

    your brain's thinking about whats coming ahead, (such as braking before corner, shifting weight, accelatering out of corner) also when your on a sportbike your always looking out for cars that might not see you(when ever i see a car stop at a stopsign, and get ready 2 pull out, i always get ready 2 brake incase the jackasss pulls out in front of me,

    the thrill of doing somting illeagal at high speeds

    if you crash a sportsbike your not gona have 2 fork out as much green to get another. Cause if i had to crash I'd rather crash on a sportsbike then a HD case they dont cost as much

    its kinda like saying Y do older people drive under the speed limit? you just do what comes 2 you naturally!!!

  10. Youngsters always like to Hot Rod .Things haven't changed ,Can't tell me you forgot the street races.

  11. kids are dumb

  12. OldSum, be honest now, when you got your first car didnt you go out and see waht she would do???  Why...........all you thought about was speed..............things have not changed, nor will they ever change! Enjoy every day, good to have you here.

  13. What do you mean?  Its all about the fun, I didn't buy my GSXR600 for tooshin' about on.  Theres nothing like taking a 80 or 90mph corner with your knee on the ground i say or coming out of a corner in 2nd gear and having the front wheel point to the sky - life begins at 15,000rpm. hahaha :-)

  14. Last time I was in Florida, all the cotton heads were doing 80 on the interstate.

  15. If you did 55 in my town, someone would be 2 miles down the road before they realized they'd run over you.

    You might check into how old Bert Munro was when he set a (standing) land speed record on his old Indian.

  16. Speed is thrill !

    Blood is Young !

    So it is mix of these two Young prefers.

    So we need statistics to prove our point view that Speed is good or bad?

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