
Speeding citation VS ticket ? Differences ?

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I was doing 36 in a 25, near a school zone. The officer told me he will give me a break and issue me a citation. I lost 3 or 4 point on my license and had to pay 166. Is there a difference between these two terms ? And also in a police apllication, i mention i had a speeding ticket and realised later it was a citation. Will that affect me negatively ?




  1. When the officer told you he'd give you a break, he probably knocked off a few miles on your speeding or left off the fact that you were in a school zone. But a ticket and citation are the same thing.

  2. Unless the Officer said something after he said he was going to give you a break, then he didn't.  Citation, and ticket mean the same thing, at least where I worked.  It will not have a negative bearing on your application.

  3. "Ticket" is slang and means the same thing as a traffic "Citation", which is the legal terminology for what you received. If the officer did give you a break, he probably reduced the charge from 11 over to 10 over. If the offender is cooperative, it is common for officers to "reduce" the charge. This puts you in a lower fine bracket - less money and points.

  4. ticket, citation mean the same, different jurisdictions use different terms.

  5. In most jurisdictions, exceeding the speed by 25mph or more is known as "aggrevated speed" which is a more serious fine.

    The "break" given you was a reduction in the speed so that you wouldn't pay a higher fine nor lose more points on your driving record.

    A speeding ticket won't hurt your ability in becoming an officer!

  6. The terms are commonly used interchangeably, but there is a difference.

    A citation is a summons to appear in court, and an appearance is mandatory.

    With a ticket, the court appearance is not mandatory. You can avoid the appearance by paying it before your court date.

    No, this will not affect you negatively.

  7. Ticket and citation mean the same thing.  Different areas use different terms.  Like District Attorney and States Attorney, same person doing the same job.

  8. If you were in a school zone, he could have doubled the price of your ticket.  The points stay the same.  You just saved some money on the price of your fine.

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