
Spending 300.00 on childs party?

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my daughter is turning the big 10 at the end of the month and for the past several birthdays, i have spent 300.00 alone on just the party so she could have her friends come from school. This year, i am trying to convince her i'd rather spend the money and take her away for a mini weekend to a hotel and theme park with her cousins and then when we come back, we will have a family you spend a lot on just your child's party?




  1. no we don't spend a lot. My youngest just had his 8th birthday a couple weeks ago and he had a bowling party. It was $17.00 per child so he invited 5 kids and with the 5 kids, himself and his brother the total cost ended up coming to $120.00. Plus we bought him a new bike for his birthday. I think that was plenty. My older boys don't have those type of parties anymore either. Once they got older we started to make deals with them, for example we would ask them "do you want a big party and 1 small gift or would you like us to give you the $100.00 we would spend on a party to buy what you want and then you can have 1 friend over for a sleep over. They have always chosen that. They like getting the money.

  2. The most I have ever spent on a party alone no gifts is $100 for a joint party for 2 and I got half of that back b/c the staff at the gym didn't do there job. Spending $300 sounds horribly ridiculous to me but in my family we celebrate the person's birth not what that person can get just b/c they were born.

  3. My parents spend more than that. Parties usually cost at least $1000.

    I do think the hotel idea sounds cute and fun though!

  4. Not on all of them but the special ones.  Their first birthdays we spent more because we had all of the family and friends with small children come over.  After that it is just games in the backyard around the pool with cake and hotdogs until they are 13 then we do something bigger.  My oldest is turning 16 and we have a big bash planned for her.  There are all kinds of ideals out there for a childs party that can be a lot of fun and wont cost you more than 100 bucks and that includes the cake and food.  Birthdays are great but save the big celebration and expense for those special birthdays that mean more to them.

  5. Wow! Please post back in a few years to let us poor folks know what you will be spending on  her wedding.

  6. No.  I spend about $50 for snacks, juice/soda and cake and usually do an outdoor party with water games and relay races.

    With today's economy, I think it's insane to throw money away like that.  Why not just invest it or save for the future??


    Now I remember you.  You asked all these questions last year plus a few bizarre ones I might add.  Sadly..I do not believe a word you say based on all your previous questions.  You do realize that people can look your old questions right?

  7. Wow....

    I wish you were my Mom growing up.

    That seems like a lot to me.

    Does the 300 include a gift?

    I'm sure she will love it.

  8. every year I give my children a choice, either the party, or the equivalent in what I would have spent on the party on a gift of their choosing. If the choose the party, then that is there gift from me

  9. Not that much... that's crazy!!  I have spent $150, but I think that was at Chuck E Cheese and that's the most I have ever spent.

  10. if you've got that kind of money to spend, great!~

    She's getting to the age where what is 'normal' is in a higher budget amount than what many other kids have...

    just keep it in perspective - it's the quality, not the quantity or the pricetag that is important for her.

  11. Lord yes! A birthday is a huge big deal in my family so that isn't that bad. But at ten I would let her decide. Sadly she is getting to the age were she would rather do stuff with her pals at school than with her family.

  12. I probably don't spend that much with the party and and the gifts total.  At this age, she could plan the party herself.  Give her a budget, and make her stick to it.

  13. Wow.... Now I feel like my son is spoiled but that's fine I guess!

    I spend about $600-$700 each birthday. This includes the party, the party favors, food, and gifts. My son is only 4, and we usually blow it up for him.

    I don't see the harm in it, because it's creating memories for them to look back on. I know my son will hardly remember it, but I will with my recorder! ;)

    I say take her and have the party. It's an awesome gift, by the way, and she'll appreciate it. Birthdays are when someone is supposed to feel special, so do just that.

  14. No way would I spend that much on a birthday party!  I would never even spend $200 on gifts to boot.  I would figure the party was enough of a gift.

  15. I spend that for my kids' birthdays.  Last year I spent over $500 at a place.  I only do that for the big ones.  10 is a big one!  Don't convince her of anything....this is her big day! She is 10...let her pick within reason.

  16. I Spend in between £150 and £200 hun

  17. Nope I don't but because I am single mom and it hard to do. But this year I got some decorations and so and let his friends come from school.

  18. Only you know what you can afford to spend on your kid's birthday. As long as you do not spend more than you can afford there is no problem. You could tell her the dollar amount allowed and then your ideas of ways to spend it. You can then give her choices like a party, a big gift, or the mini-vacation. I would let her choose since it is her birthday.

  19. no way

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