
Spider! Should I be worried?

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I live in Central Illinois and tonight I saw a light-medium brown spider in the basement. It wasn't huge, but it really scared me because when I tried to smash it, it jumped away. I followed it around for a few minutes trying to kill it, but it always jumped away. I've never seen a spider jump before! What kind of spider could this be and should I be worried? I'm home from college for the summer and have been sleeping in the basement but now I'm thinking I should sleep elsewhere because I didn't kill the spider and don't know where it's at. Please help!!




  1. ahmm...

    If I will be in your situation... I will also worry because I dont even know what will happen if i sleep.. But in my own opinion, Just calm and try to kill it if you see it again.

  2. dont bother them and they wont bother you. i have one living next to my bedside.

  3. lol i live in illinois (Elmwood Park)

    but anyway you shouldn't be to worried its probably not poisonous or anything so you should be fine but i would go sleep somewhere else cus you probably don't want it to come out and jump on you

  4. It's bad luck to kill spiders.

    Keep him as a pet and he will eat up all the bugs and insects flying around.

    Don't you remember Charlotte's Web?

    Spiders are our friends.

  5. idk but i hate spiders too and i would just kill myself before it kills me

  6. dont worry my dear, that is just a jumping house spider. its not venomous.

  7. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

    your question has freaked me out. that spider must die! can you like fleabomb the place. let off 3 or four then all go out for the day. MUST KILL THE SPIDER. SPIDERS ARE HORRIBLE


  9. hey dont u worry,spiders dont harm u,de jst crowl..but nevr try n touch 4 it may b poisonous n may couse some skin trouble..

  10. Many people find spiders repulsive and scary, yet the majority of spiders are harmless and beneficial. Only four kinds of spiders are known to cause health problems in the U.S.

  11. You shouldn't be worried. Most spiders in the U.S are not harmful. However, if it looks anything like this picture, i would be VERY careful.

    Good luck!

  12. squish it

  13. Sounds like a Jumping Spider to me.  They are the sweetest, most adorable of all spiders.  They are completely harmless to human beings and will really help you in getting rid of "any" pesky or harmful insects you have flying or roaming around in your basement.  They are gentle, curious, and playful little Arachnids and will not harm you or anyone in your family.  

    If you took the time to really examine it through a magnifying glass, you'd see how beautiful many of them can be.  They do not build webs, so no mess in that regard.

    Your fear comes from lack of knowledge.  Learn about spiders and you'll see that 99% of them are NOT harmful and are MOST important in helping our planet and everyone on it.    If it weren't for spiders, you'd have more cockroaches, mosquitoes, flys, gnats, lice, ticks, silverfish, and termites than you could imagine.  Nature WILL take care of itself if man just leaves it alone.

  14. Forget about it and get naked.

  15. I feel your pain...I had a cricket and a wasp in my house before and I DETEST bugs/insects. Sorry that I am of no help but I wish you luck with that.

  16. Ive seen those in my basement too

    there really disgusting!

    I wouldnt sleep there if I were you

    Good luck :)

  17. it's probably just a common house spider.  they can get pretty big.  don't be worried.. they'll eat all the other bugs.

    if it looks like this:

    then stay the h**l away from it!  but dont be worried.

  18. don't give it a chance to exact its revenge. you should sleep elsewhere, because the basement is its home and it was just coming out to see its new roommate. its probably hiding somewhere after that sudden attack on its life.

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