
Spiders in my house!!?

by Guest58103  |  earlier

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I was in my bed and a large brown spider goes in front of my tv as if he were watching it. I think it was a brown recluse because I heard they were common in Florida. (obviously where I live) How can I get rid of them without calling an extermanator and what other spiders are there similar to the brown recluse.




  1. If you have an infestation of brown recluse spiders, call an extermintor immediately.  I have been bitten by one and nearly lost my leg.  My house turned out to be infested and if I had not exterminated the house, my children and I could have been in serious danger.  Be sure to shake out your shoes and clothes before putting them on. Spiders like to hide in them.  Good Luck.

  2. I agree it was most likely not a brown recluse since it was out in the open.  But, they do not always hide, if you have enough in your house (aka infestation) they will come out in the light insteat of starving, they need to eat.  Go to the internet and get familiar with what they look like, they are very distict spiders, small body and long legs, and the trademark violin on their back (this is hard to see though, unless you kill them first)  We tried Orkin on our infestation, and they told us all they could do was take away thier food source by spraying for all other bugs, which didn't work.  Hired another company called Rottler, they were great, they said Orkin was wrong, they bombed our house twice in a month, and then one more time a year later, with regular spray treatment every 3 months, we are now virtually recluse free. Use glue traps around your house to find out how bad they are, at our worst we were finding 3-4 spiders per trap, and we had 4 traps downstairs and 4 traps upstairs, now we may find one or two every once in a while in one trap.  Also, don't know how you feel about lizards, but gecko's and skinks are natural predetors of spiders, they eat them by the dozens, ask your local pet store for some small ones that don't grow to big, and let them go outside your house, have one friend that lets them go in his house, says he hasn't seen a bug in years.

  3. It probably wasn't a recluse.  They only come out when its dark and they stay around the floors, not ceilings.  Ortho has something called Home Defense Max that works very well.  You can spray the outside of your house and along the woodwork in your house.  I do this in the spring and fall when I find most insects are trying to come in.

  4. It was probably not a brown recluse. They don't come out in the light,hence the name recluse, Anyway it is probably just a ground spider or a daddy long legs. They are harmless, but can be scary if you see them. Any kind of bug spray will kill them. Just spray along the baseboards and corners and you will get the little rascals. Sleep tight.

  5. i would call the exterminator. florida has brown recluse and black widow that are both highly poisonous , not to mention scorpions. spend the money.
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