
Spinning help!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I can do most basic things on the ice (crossovers, ect.) but I just can't spin (2 foot)

Are 1 foot spins easier to learn?

Any tips on ways to get a good spin going? (videos!)

My boots are Graf Villars, could this have something to do with it?

Iv been skating for 8 months. Is this usually the time it takes to learn to spin?

Thanks for ya help!




  1. I can barely do a 2 foot spin, but I do amazing 1 foot spins.  If I have to do a 2 foot spin, I pretty much fake it.   When I do a 2 foot spin, I keep my right foot on the rocker and my left foot leaned more to my heal.

    On a one foot spin, the key to spinning longer is to stay longer in the "h position" then when you have very good speed there, bring your free leg down.

    I think your blades would be as important as your boots.  What blades do you have?  I have been skating for about a year, but the entire time with a coach.  I skated when I was a kid, so it didn't take much time to learn the basics.  I was spinning about 3 months into skating.  Though my adult skater friends started spinning 9-12 months in.

    It is most important at this stage to learn great edge control.  If you have that, the more advanced techniques will come easier.

  2. well most people say 1 footed spins are much easier to learn. because then you only have one foot to concentrate on ;]

    however its really your own personal preference. i find it easier to do a 2 footed spin really but thats just me.

    i don't think your boots will have much to do with it, or your blades as long as they have nothing obviously wrong with them. good skaters should be able to adjust-supposedly- ;D

    but as for the question about how long you have been skating for, i would say its fine to have been skating for 8 months, everyone goes at their own pace. i havn't been skating long, about 2 months. and I've started learning spins but everyone is better at different aspects so i wouldn't worry. some people take years

    hope this helped a little ;]

  3. Two foot spins are harder for me because I always trip over one of my feet, so I'd say yes. :)

    It's hard to really give any decent advice on two foot spins.  I've learned of two techniques to enter into them:

    1) Just stand there, wind up your arms, and start the spin with your arms causing the turns.

    2) If you've learned a pivot yet (one toe pick in the ice while the other foot glides around it in a circle), do a nice big pivot and then draw the foot that's gliding across the ice together with the pivoting foot and pull your arms in.

    It's hard to say how long it usually takes to learn a 2 foot spin.  Everyone's different.  My 10 year old cousin could do one on her first ever time out on the ice.  Me, I took a good couple years before my basic skills group class even started to work on them.

    As for videos, I'm not sure this'll help much, but you could search my name (matokah) on youtube.  I have a bunch of one footed spins (camels, laybacks, flying spins, sits, etc).

    Good luck and keep working at it.  It'll come.
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