
Spiritually speaking Mccain or Obama? ?

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if you really HAD to choose!?

and why?




  1. Obama and I do get to choose. I vote.

    I agree with most of his political stances.

  2. Spiritually speaking, McCain.

    Just because.

  3. Obama.  He's not a senile old man with a nut job for a running mate.

  4. McCain, if I HAD to choose. I like Obama, but there is so much shady stuff in his background. Is it clear wether he is even a US citizen? I would hate to vote for him and regret it. I don't like McCain and his ideas about the war in Iraq,or any ideas in general, but the only reason I would vote for him is that he has one foot in the grave and I look forward to see how the country fares with a woman president. Especially a nutty woman!

  5. Spiritually speaking... Obama has a feel about him, something that makes you think that he will probably do something different than any other president that he will actually listen to the people. McCain seems to want to run this country as a hard liner but the problem is we dont have that opportunity anymore, we have destroyed a lot of our strength in the war against... um the war against terror... who are we fighting... well anyway he will run the administration just like Bush.

    Then dealing with his age again look at every other president after their terms they are gray haired, tired looking, and more stringy when they came out then when they went in McCain simply is too old. They should have grabbed someone else.

  6. I think I'll move to Canada.

  7. Peace and blessings be upon you.

    for a person from the middle east: it is the same either Obama or Mccain.

  8. Obama.

  9. If I had to choose between them Obama.

    McCain is InSane... and his VP is far worse and has a decent chance of ending up president because of McCain's age and multiple bouts with cancer.

  10. I trust the next leader will be God placed.

  11. obama

    coz its sounds like osama

  12. Obama all the way.

    McCain is a liar:

  13. obama for sure

  14. Obama. He seems less psycho.

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