
Spirt animal/guide??

by Guest64981  |  earlier

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When i was about 3 i would have a bird that was the size of a human appear in the corner of my room, talk to me, then fly out my window! My dad told me that everymorning i would tell him about this THING (bird) that would come in my room and talk to me at night! My dad told me i had a long beak..and it was as tall as my daddy (5'7) I would tell him it would have converstions with me..but when my dad asked me..i could never remember what we had talked about! It never hurt me, and i told my dad i wasnt afraid of it!

This had been going on EVERYNIGHT for about a mounth!

I talked to a medicine man and he told me it was my spirt guid/animal (thunderbird)!! He had the same thing happen to him but it was a blue elk? :/

I want to know why it visited me for so long?

What did it want?

will it come back?

Someone please tell me!




  1. At the age of 3 I believe that our minds are growing and learning at an excellerated rate and we are open to mental suggestions we are not exactly aware of. You may have seen a large talking bird or heard of large birds that can speak (well they mimic our speech) and your mind manifested this into a reaccuring dream. I remember very clearly of very vivid very regular every night dream so much so that I began getting evey detail down as if each time the dream came to me I started paying more and more attention to the details because after having the same dream for several months I started to think about it as I went to bed and anticipate that it would return again. I think I was around 5 or 6. The thing that freaked me out completely is when I was about 9 we took a trip to Pa from Va and I remeber my parents driving past the house that I always saw in this dream everything was exactly the same down to the last detail...the big hill it was on the landscape and I freaked out! My parents said they lived there just for a little while before I was born they had rented a section of it and I told them it was the place in my dream I asked them if they had any pictures at all or if they had ever taken me by it before and they said no. The only thing different about the place in my dreams it was always nightfall kind of in the shadows but still visable, the day I saw it it was daylight. In the dream I was myself as a 6 year old child and my parents would always drive me to this place and let me out of the car and drove off leaving me behind. I was always upset but there was a little boy that wanted to talk and play with me there so the dream seemed so long by the time I woke up in the mornings it was as if I spent at least an hour or more visiting. The day my parents drove by the real place I was in such shock that I begged them to let us go back so I could take a real look around as if I were trying to find a connection or make sense of something so hard to believe, but they did not have time to spend so they did not turn around I was devestated of course and my heart raced for a long time and I got chill bumps whenever I tried to figure out how this place in my dreams was real and in several states away from me!!!! Any way your question intrigued me as I raise exotic birds from baby hatchlings...cockatels to big talking macaws and also the fact that when I was a child I had this experience. I think to try to find out what it means to you you may want to investigate the people who were around you most during that time in your life and see if any one connected to you or in that house ever had a pet macaw or any other type of large bird who learned to mimic speech. Who knows what you might find out about your talking bird!

  2. if u know of the medicane man he should be able to tell you more...perhaps you too are in line to be a shaman of sorts...but the truth of it all resides in the sub conscience...every tried to lucid dream? there is a little repedtive action that can help...simple stare with you hands open like a book and study the lines and shape of you hands...for about 15 min 3 x per day the last one being before bedtime...also at bedtime ask yourself that question you want may take several days and or weeks depending on the concentration you give...but in your dreams you should be able to find your hands and when you do....have fun doing anyrthing you want...(i usually fly!) indian friend of mine told me this as a child it really does work..and perhaps u will be able to ask this spirt guide yourself
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