
Spitting on the Ground Makes You.................. ?

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It irritates me constantly. It happened this morning when I was playing tennis and I saw my friends spitting on the hard court (all 3 of them). It made me wince because of the thought that I might eventually step or fall on that gunk.

Also I keep imagining that some unfortunate ball might roll or get hit right on that goo and end up on my hands during a serve ( uuggghhh). Seeing them just spitting ruined my game. I know breathing that hot air builds up the saliva and thickens it a bit but drinking a bottle of water easily takes it away. Your thoughts?




  1. sut up you big hussy u sound like a women, oh god forbid you step in it with your shoes on or fall in it with your clothes on just as much as water washes it down a shower u'll get it off which you would do anyway after tennis. on top of this not like your gonna catch HIV is it so stop being such a god d**n women

  2. At 1st I thought you were being a weirdo but when you put it like that it is gross...I actually feel sick thinking about it now...thanks.

  3. As they are friends and equals, I feel you don't need to stand on ceremony and could say "Ugh, that's disgusting!" and then by way of explanation say exactly what you have said above which is reasonable but also humorous, so they would get the message in a nice way.

  4. My sweet husband spits when we're outside, but never on anything like a tennis court.  I personally think it's disgusting, but a lot of guys do it.  I suppose you just deal with it and move on.  Life's too short to get too upset over something you can't do anything about.

  5. From another country?  I agree that spitting on the street (or in public at all) is generally considered to be rude in North America, but it is quite common in other countries.

    I'm guessing your friend isn't from another country, however.

  6. i think they are uncouth and very inconsiderate.

  7. I agree that its totally gross! in my opinion they should do the water thing or at least not do it where anyone is at easy risk of getting into contact with it ...eww! that kind of thing can also spread disease!

  8. dont pay attention to it or tell them to stop or you well through somthing at them

  9. I find this habit so disgusting.  Did you know that in Beijing they have passed a law that will be in effect during the Olympic Games that fines people for spitting on the street?  It seems to be quite widespread and acceptable to do so there.  When I think of all those GERMS.....(shudder) gives me an awful case of the heebie-jeebies.

  10. Uncouth.

  11. it's disgustin...

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