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I know an 11 year old who has all this:

-3 iPods


-99 dollar sk8board

-Has gone to 3 concerts by the front

-digi camera

-2 guitars

-video camera

-more than 20 pairs of shoes

- her moim took a bedroom out of their house and now its her closet


and gets almost whatever she wants.

Do you think shes spoiled ?

No, her parents arent up to their ears in debt.




  1. For real??

    Why would one even want all that?? My kids certain will not.

    A bedroom for a closet?? Right

  2. yes i do.

  3. it is alot of stuff but there just items is she stuck up does she brag about it all if she is just talking and talking and talking about these items then yea but being spoiled is part of the personality if she is any of those things then she probably but u are pretty much judging her by her items....  and if she has fits and begs and begs for the items then maybe she is....

  4. yes but  i am spoiled by my daddy but i dont get thingslike this. the parents are buying her love not giving her love you cant buy a child love so she is spoiled and when the 11 becomes older she will want everybody to just give her things. that is not how life works. you need to take these things away and let her earn them

  5. Does she ask for it? Are her parents really filthy rich? Being spoiled isn't judged by what you have, it's judged by who you are. If she kicks and screams and then gets what she wants, she's spoiled. If her parents are just stinkin' rich and buying her gifts all the time without her asking them too, then probably not. Is she nice to her parents? Does she respect them? Say thank you?

  6. My (almost) 10 yr old has many of those same things...she has a nicer laptop and cell phone than me. Her dad buys her thsese things, but I do not think that she is spoiled. She knows what it is like to be told no. It is ok to have things if the child is taught to respect the things.

  7. Spoiled is less what they have then how they handle what they have.

    If she demands these things, or expects them as her "right" then she is definitely spoiled.

    If she accepts expensive things when offered to her and is polite and thankful, not expecting to be given everything she asks for then she is not spoiled.

    Attitude is everything when it comes to if a child is spoiled or not.

  8. she's a spoiled brat!! that's way too many things to have she'll regret it later in life that she's that spoiled.

  9. Uhhh Yes!!!!!!!

  10. I have a 12 year old who I consider spoiled and he doesn't half of that stuff...Um, yea she is quite indulged.

  11. yes she is

  12. uhhh yeah!

    She is going to get bored with these thing VERY quickly and then her parents will hae to buy her more. She will keep demanding more and more. What will happen when her parents finaly say no? Then you have chaos on your hands. BUT this will be completely the fault of her parents because they let her have these things.

    Wait until she's a teenager!! lol

  13. Ya she's spoiled to be 11. I'll be 24 before I can reach a list that long.

  14. Holy c**p that's a lot of stuff! I think the most expensive thing i had when i was 11 was a $20 CD player! Definitely spoiled, IMO
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