
Sport bike question?

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i seen on the videos and video games that when you turn you lean over. do you turn the wheel like a car and it looks like your leaning over? i dont get how your suppose to turn on sport bikes? is it the same for a cruiser bike?




  1. Just like on a pedal bike .  You lean and turn the handle bars.  If you ride "no hands" then you steer just be leaning.

  2. The simplest explanation I heard when first learning to ride a motorcycle was "push with the right go right, push with the left go left"  

    Basically that means when going at higher speeds you have to counter steer....  if you push the right side bar grip with your right palm, the bike will lean to the right around turns, same goes for your left.  When going slow, such as say in a parking lot at 5mph you have to actually turn the bars in the manner like a car.

    Here is a video, good example.

  3. the more speed thats rev'ed negotiating a bend more body weight is needed...its called centrifugal force,sports bikes,cruiser bikes,whutever as long as its on two wheels its the same....

    but before ya do anythin smart go learn a motorcycle safety course for God's sake,it seems ya don't know jack bout motorcycles...don't hurt ya self dude...its not a game trust me...

  4. It's not really a stupid question. Counter steering is confusing for some because it is illogical and we are logical thinkers.

    The thing is counter steering is a reflex so you don't have to think about it or make an effort to do it. Your body will automatically do it.

    When you lean, the bike turns by itself. What happens is the handlebars want to turn more than what is actually needed because gravity is pulling the front wheel into the turn. What your body's natural reflexes do is apply a little pressure on the handlebars in the opposite direction to counter the forces of gravity.

    I always get a thumbs down on this question and I don't know why. If you have to consciously think about counter steering, you'll over do it and crash. Ride a bicycle down a steep hill and try to swerve from one side of the hill to the other (if it's safe to do so). If you do it without crashing, you have it down pact. Don't worry about figuring it out or understanding it. If you pass the downhill bicycle test, you can do it.

  5. No matter what kind of bike it is, you lean the same.  I'm not trying to confuse you but, if you are going 55mph on a motorcycle and you come into a left turn and you turn the handle bars to the left, you are going to run off the road on the right side.  You can't steer the bike in the direction of the curve if you're going highway speeds; you'll crash.  To go around a left turn, lean left and steer right.  Steer left to go around a right turn.  This sounds crazy but, you'll see.  I also agree with the previous answer: you ARE going to kick yourself for ever asking this question.  But hey, we've all been green before.

  6. This is a question you will kick your own butt for once you learn how to ride a motorcycle. Take a motorcycle safety course.

  7. Do you know how to ride a bicycle? you lean when you turn on any 2 wheeled vehicle. The leaning does more of the turning on any bike than turning the front wheel does. You have to turn the front wheel but the lean is absolutely a must. Sport bikes lean more cuz they usually going ALOT faster on the turns than cruisers do.

    Ha 440 you are right on the leaning but i slow down more than most for a curve probly so i dont get that knee draggin lean. lol
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