
Spotlight Cravers?

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What is it with people who have to be center of attention? Why would anyone want to be the center of the universe? Were the majority of these people ignored? Which are there more of---people used to being the spotlight or those who never got it or not enough?I know that it's narcissistic.




  1. People who crave attention are insecure with themselves and this is their way of guaranteeing the attention they need to feel better about themselves.  There are more people that don't crave the spotlight than do crave it.  Sometimes "hams" were ignored, sometimes they are natural entertainers, and sometimes they are overly attention seeking to hide a deeper pain that no one else knows about.  Some of the best comedians have the most troubling pasts and personal histories (like Robin Williams as an example).  Most comedy comes from pain.

  2. Some people just want all the attention to point at them, I know lots of people like that... not all of them were ignored... they make it hard to be ignored... some people are just like that.. they like everyone looking at them and it makes them feel good about themselves.
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