
Spots at my back?

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Spots at my back?




  1. could be skin cancer.. go to a dermatologist immediately!

  2. Let Spot back in the house already!!

  3. sorry don't understand!

  4. If straightforward pimple type sports ask your local Chemist for advice on what cream or whatever to use.  If it is anything else or moles that have got bigger make an appointment with your doctor.  Probably it's nothing but with the amount of Skin Cancer going around at present it's best to get anything unusual seen to.

  5. Spots can come anywhere. Just wash there a bit more often maybe :) if they persist or hurt, seek a dermatologist

  6. Don't sunbathe.  If you can't get rid of them, they're natural.

  7. ~~~You need to give allot more detail before anyone can really answer your questions. If it is any type of spots on your skin and you are concerned, see a dermatologist pronto. They have to visually see them to diagnose, and even with their experience they sometime muste biopsey them. Otherwise I can't figur out your question.~~~

  8. come agen?

  9. Rub  with cake soap and rinse.  I have tried Zest soap.

  10. Pardon?
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