
Spotting and pregnant ???

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I'm 34 weeks pregnant and I'm spotting since last night with some heavy discharge..I know spotting is normal..But my belly is really low I could put my full palm between my belly and my breast..Also I'm having pain down there like on the bone on top of the private part..I think is my pelvic bone..I also feel weird too and very tired, I just want to be laying down, but I try not to..I try to be moving around..

Please no rude answers, I'm serious..Thanks !




  1. go to the doctor or at least call the doctor.  If you have insurance, there is usually an 800-number on the back of your card that will get you in contact with a registered nurse 24/7.  If not just call the doctors office and they should be willing to give you advice

  2. To me it sounds like you might be starting labor or very close to it. I would call the dr. if I were you. Better be safe than sorry. Good luck to you.  

  3. Call the dr. You may be in the beginning stages of labor. It could also be that the baby is just moving into position.  

  4. You could have a blatter infection or a yeast infection with both i got spotting from it bothering my cervix. I just recently had a yeast infection i was 30weeks and i was also spotting and the doctor had to check everytwhere where the blood was coming from and it was just iratating my cervix. And she gave me cream and it all went away. So that could be it. Mine looked like a normal discharge with little blood.

  5. if you are spotting you need to call your doc or go to L&D to be evaluated. Bleeding during pregnancy except bloody show during labor or loosing your mucus plug is not normal. you might have signs of preterm labor. Please call your doc/midwife or L&D department. you might need to be seen. I bled at 35 weeks and we found out it was because my baby was breech. I also had too low of amniotic fluid. I had to go on bedrest. Baby and I were ok but it was a good thing we caught it. I'm not trying to scare you. I just hope you are ok.

  6. Spotting at this stage isn't really normal. You should lie down and call your doctor, it could be the beginning stages of labor.  

  7. I have not been there yet but I know those are signs of labor, although you can't ignore the spotting,that part is not normal and it is a real warning, do not wait to call your Dr. they know what they are doing and you should absolutelly be checked up ASAP. Good luck!

  8. If you are spotting the last thing you want to do is move around a lot. You should be on bed rest, and also go see your Dr.

  9. spotting during pregnancy at any stage is very dangerous. you have to go to your doctor as soon as possible. there might be a problem with your placenta and you might be going into early labour. it also sounds like you have an infection of some sort.

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