
Star child.?

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does anybody else know if theyre a star child or indigo child .... or any kind of clairvoyant, telepathic, remote viewing, psychokinesis, retro sumthing viewing or when you know what happened in the past when you go somewhere? or anything else like that. if anybody has any of these.... let me know....




  1. Some people have bought into the "Indigo children" or "Crystal children" thing. Basically it's an excuse for bad parenting. Parents can chalk up their child's antisocial behavior to their child's "special abilities" which seem to include paranormal abilities of sorts, and so they encourage their children in this behavior. Bad idea. Of course the Indigo/Crystal thing is all hogwash. You'll probably find some people here who think they are "Indigo", but my advice is to not believe everything you hear.

  2. Yes I'm definitely a star child. Paranormal things happen all around me. I'm still figuring it out. People have a hard time understanding me, that means I'm operating on a higher plane.

  3. I'm a child of the sixties, does that help?

  4. i dont think so........there might be though!!!! u will neva know

  5. Some people might think that they are if they have some type of intuition. Others might believe that they are hybrid humans etc. If you really think or know that you are than these others will most likely make contact with you if they haven't already. Some of this might just be wishful thinking or delusions. You should check into remote viewing if you believe you are clairvoyant.

    I used to believe I was until my psychiatrist convinced me to take anti-psychotic medications. Now I don't care so much anymore or get freaked out about it all. One day it might all come clearer to you or just fade away like last nights dreams.

  6. probably not, James Randi offers a million dollars to anyone who can demonstrate any of these powers. Nobody has claimed the money yet.

    Indigo children is just a scam to sell books, and really the description just refers to any spoiled brat.

  7. There are people around who have experiences and knowledge that cannot be explained using standard scientific methods.  Children who have these experiences will often accept them as part of their lives, but as they get older, these children will begin to focus more on the physical world and will discount their earlier experiences.  There are some people who are able to recognize the value in the knowledge they hold as a child and maintain that information throughout their lives.  Those people sometimes are able to put this "esoteric" knowledge to use, and their skills are sometimes interpreted as psychic phenomenon.

    Does this mean they were "star children" or "indigo children" when they were young?  If you want to put a label on them, you could use those labels, but most people who have these skills are independent thinkers.  Most will not accept a label for themselves because it defines them.  It puts them in a box.  It sets parameters for their behaviours, and allows other people to make assumptions about who they are.

    If you truly are an independent thinking individual who has experiences that might be described as unusual, look for others like yourself, but give yourself the freedom to be who you are without labelling yourself.  Good luck!

  8. Although I had most of the characteristics I was not an indigo child.  That is a term invented by people who are mentally unstable and after your money.

  9. We used to call them "spoiled brats'.I know lot's of them.None have superpowers though.
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