
Star trek birthday party help?

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hi im turning 11 may 30th and im a total geek ( or im not and my friends say i am lol) i LOVE star trek!!!! any thing with star trek im drawn to like a magnet (lol)! i want to have a star trek themed party but i need a load of help! ive been trying to make up games and ive made up a few games (like a version of marco polo called cloked klingon ship enterprise) so far i know im going to bring my cardbord cut out of Dr.Mcoy down stairs and my talking tribble and im going to put a star trek the next genneration episode on in the back around but i just cant thinnk of anything else! so i need hel with decerations, cake, food, party favors,games or crafts, and most inportant........HOW IM GONNA KEEP MY NON STAR TREK LOVING FRIENDS OCCUPIED!!!!! all suggestions are wellcome thnx!

P.S. i really like tinkering with things and making stuff and my party is gonna be half at my house and half at a pool so i need water games too thanks

HELP my mom dosent have any ideas so i need alot of help




  1.! about getting a bunch of glow in the dark stars to put on the ceiling?  And you could play Star Trek Scene It DVD Game!  Try this site:

    or this site:

    How about having a ship building contest with Legos?  That would be fun.  Give each team the same legos and give them 20 minutes to build a ship or something Star Trek related.  Winning team gets a prize!

  2. I like Star Trek too, but I'm not sure I would use it as a party theme.  It may not make you the most popular kid in school.  You can show your friends your room with your Star Trek stuff in it and leave your interest at that.  Could you do a Hawaiian luau or arrange some sort of tournament (volleyball, etc)?  I think your friends would have more fun and less to talk about negatively.  

    Bring some pool toys and use them.  Create may a hula contest and definetely have lais.  You can find a lot of this stuff for cheap on Oriental Trading's website.  Grill out (chicken with a pineapple marinade or such would  keep with the theme) and serve a lot of finger foods.

  3. You could play "would you rather:Star Trek Edition" (ex.would you rather be killing Dr.Mcoy or whatever) (idk what star trek about so sry!) In the pool you can get like those floaties that you lay on or sit in/on and act like they are ships and have a big galactic battle.You could rent Star Trek movies or watch them at and look for star trek.You could reenact an episode or make up an episode sorta like a star trek play or whatever.Well I have to go so i hope i helped! sry if i didn't!

  4. I think this would be fun!  You don't have to force everyone to dress up (although Trekkers like us would dig it).

    You should have a cake in the shape of chest communicator as it would be a lot easier than making one in the shape of an Enterprise.

    You could play games like Tribble Dodgeball.  Get your mom to take you to the fabric store to buy some fake fur to put around a rubber ball.

    You could play a game of "Klingon or Not".  One person would have to read a phrase in "Klingon" and people have to vote if it's a real phrase or not.  Kind of like Truth or Dare.  If they get it right, they get to stay in the game, if they lose, come up with something icky to do.

    You could have a Tribble making contest to see who can make the fastest Tribble.

    You could have different colored Kool-Aid in different pitchers and sit them on a table labeled "Synthehol".

    Food would be normal stuff, but you just put funky labels nest to them.  Like if they're pigs in blankets, you call them Andorian Tubes or something.  You could make popcorn balls (like during Halloween) and throw a little black string licorice in them and call them Klingon Orbs.

    To make favors make bake cookies in the shape of a Star Trek Communicator.  They're easy to make and put icing on.

    As for decorations, I would go with a Risa theme.  Risa has always been pictured with tropical beaches so your pool is perfect!  They sell blow up palm trees at the party store and one or two are perfect!

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