
Starbucks Or Panera Bread?

by  |  earlier

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1. Which one is better to take your lunch break in?

2. Which one is better to be an employee at?

3. Overall, which one wins?

[ i work at Panera, have been there for over 3 months and love it, but have always wanted to work at Starbucks. Not 16 yet so i cant so just need some opinions. ]




  1. starbucks, all three.

    i like the atmosphere, and the food at Panera Bread tastes as though all the flavors mingle. it's very gross

  2. i luv starbucks it is a great place to work but i haven't ever been to a panera bread sorry

  3. starbucks employees overall seem happier. however I wouldnt want to eat my  lunch there because i like food for lunch not coffee. at starbucks you can get tips which is really nice. i would pick starbucks over the two but they don't really compare in my opinion

  4. panera bread for lunch

    probably better for employeees too

    panera wins.

  5. panera is better for lunch and eating real food and starbucks is the best for coffee drinks. and idk about working there cuz i've never worked at either.

  6. Panera is better to eat at, because they have real food like salads and soups, not just pastries and fruit cups. I heard Starbucks pays decently and is ok to work for, but Panera is smaller so probably less corporate.

  7. my sister works at starbucks-she seems to like it

    but as a restaurant panera is better

  8. I would probably rather work at starbucks because then you dont have to deal with stinky food.  I love Panera however and would rather eat their food and get a discount there.  It's a catch 22.

  9. 1. starbucks

    2. starbucks

    3. i like paneras food just a little better...but starbucks' drinks kick paneras' drinks butts

  10. This is my personal opinion, I have worked at Starbucks, and worked at a tanning salon NEXT to panera.

    1.  Definitely Panera because it ACTUALLY serves food and has a reasonable price.

    2.  A better employee, I would assume Panera from what I have heard from friends, because the pay is worth the work.  At starbucks, it is SOO annoying to have prissy customers ask for a extra shot mocha grande skim hold the whip drink.  It is literally the only place where you will get customers throw coffee back at you because it is not to their standard.  When did coffee become something more than coffee?  Plus, at my store, you had to be 18.

    3.  Overall, I would definitely say Panera is better to work at, it may be some longer hours, but the people are friendlier and the smell inside a Panera is SO delicious, fresh bagels everyday and wonderful bread.  MM

    Btw, french onion in a sour dough bread bowl is my FAVORITE!

  11. I like Panera much better than Starbucks.  I wouldn't know about working there, but, I don't know, whenever you see Starbucks there are long lines because their process seems to take so long.  Plus, Panera has much more variety.  I go to Panera very frequently; I almost never bother with Starbucks.  I don't even really like their coffee that much.

  12. Panera Bread

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