
Starbucks is a bad company.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to do persuasive presentation, so I decided to present that starbucks is a bad company.

What I'm going to present first is,

Starbucks makes the people who has diabetes.

It's a kind of addictions as cigarettes does.

What else can I present?

Could you tell me more your opinion, please?




  1. - There is one on every block, i mean really, who needs that many Starbucks ?

    - They are a Giant Corporation that is driving the little Coffee shops out of business

  2. They over brew cheap coffee beans and claim they are better than what they are and charge lots more marketing scam

    Go to any Tim Horton's in Canada to see what coffee should taste like

  3. traders!! how can u hate starbuks!! i go everyday and im perfectly hea;thy

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