
Start Menu won't come up!!!?

by Guest45330  |  earlier

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I downloaded Vista Transformation Pack 8.0.1. a while ago and it worked for about two months. Then it started acting weird and all of a sudden the start menu wouldn't come up. I restored my computer twice to an earlier time to when I knew my start menu wasn't messed up but it still doesn't work. My operating system is XP Pro. Can someone please help!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Simply try this.

      restart your computer in safe mode(press F8 on restart) open administrator. create a new user account .restart.  now open the new account and work freely....

  2. uninstall Vista Transformation Pack 8.0.1  

  3. Try putting your arrow at the bottom of the screen and dragging up. it might be hidden, i don't know.

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