
Starting Clomid Friday...?

by Guest56655  |  earlier

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My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about 10 months and I would not ovulate. My doctor dx me with PCOS about 3 months ago and I am not ovulating. I have been taking 1500mg of Metformin the past three months (still taking) and now taking Prometrium/Progesterone, my doctor put me on it for 12 days to get my cycle started because it is very irregular. He gave me a prescription for Clomid and I get to start it Friday (days 5-9)...I can't wait :) I don't know anyone that has taken this to become pregnant and was just wanting to hear someones story about their experience. Also if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear it as well!

Please no one say if you just relax and not "try" it will happen!

Thanks to everyone in advance!!!!




  1. I was having big trouble ttc and used clomid for 5 months and it didn't work at all but that's just me. then after 3 years of ttc the Dr's sent me to do a pct test and i fell pregnant and have almost no trouble since.

    I hope it works for you because all it caused was heart break for me every time it didn't work.

  2. Well congratulations on your desire to raise a family!  I too had great difficulties conceiving.  Clomid did not work for my husband and I. I then went to perganol which resulted in our wonderful (now 12-year old) daughter.  I had a wonderful doctor.  She said she would do all she could to help me, but that ultimately, it was up to God.  God is the ultimate giver of life.  I will try to pray for you.  I know how frustrating and hurting it can be when you desparately want a child.  Good luck and God bless.

  3. i tried for more than 5 years to get preg on my own i happend only once and i lost it . after taking metformin for one month i got pregnant but lost the baby at 28 weeks due to cord constriction las dec. on feb of this year we decided to take clomid and after one try we got pregnant im now 26 weeks+5 days preg with a baby girl due this dec also until now everything has been ok . i wish you the best of luck and hope it works for you as fast as it did for me . baby dust to you  

  4. Personally i want to punch people when they say relax, practice more and other things. I also have PCOS  and am taking metformin. I started taking a low dose of clomid last month. This is my second round of clomid. Side effects can vary from person to person. The first time I took the medicine I always became weepy (easier to cry at stupid hallmark commericals hhaahha at me) but it passed in a hour or two. I also had mild craping when I ovulated. Clomid will also make your period come 14-16 days after you ovulate or suppose to. I didnt know this till I looked it up after I was 4 days late for my normal cycle but I did start on day 16 after my ovualtion date. =-( I am on my second round and am experiencing hotflashes with snappyness. I'm glad my husband loves me.

    Long story short, side effects(dizzyness, enlarge ovaries, hot flashes, breast tenderness, nasuea,mood swings, hostile mucus, multiple birth) can vary. You might experience one or none or different ones each time.

    Good luck, just remeber when you look at your husband and want to hurt him...dont its the hormones=-)

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