
Starting Over.. which city is best??

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What are the top cities for pay.. I want to have a new start for me and my daughter what are some good places to relocate to???




  1. Where there is good pay, there is usually a high cost of living.  However, to attempt to give you some useful information-I read this article yesterday stating that Indianpolis has affordable housing for a metro area.

  2. your Q is very pay for what. You need to google that..cost of living and son on, depending on your career and what you plan on doing. I wouldn't recommend South Florida. New Hampshire is nice.

  3. depends on your credentials and work history

  4. You should not base any relocation decision on just pay.  Life and living is more than just the job - there's things like culture, schools, taxes, commute, weather, and crime to consider.

    Go to a website like and research their best places for living.  The availability of jobs is one of the factors in their ranking.

  5. Move to the west....

  6. I remember a story on about something like this.  

    IIRC, they called cities like that "starter cities".

    Try that.

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