
Starting a family???????????

by  |  earlier

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both me and my husband have decided to have a baby i have been on the contraceptive pill for 5 years and have just stopped taking it and im unsure when to actally start trying to get pregnant i have read that you should use another form of contraception ie condoms for at least 3 months after stopping taking the pill so your body can get back into its natural cycle therefore making you more fertile nad other places say you shouls start right away ?????????




  1. You just never know when you'll get pregnant.  I say start trying right away!  

  2. There is some theory that you are super fertile when you come off the pill, so are more likely to get pregnant straight away, but I'm not sure if there is any evidence to back this up.  Advice in the UK is to take folic acid for 3 months before TTC.

    Good luck whatever you decide.

  3. I used to take the contraceptive pill and each time I came off to have a baby we started trying straight away, it only took a few months each time and in the meantime I was taking folic acid.  The last time though, took me 10 months to conceive so it will vary with everybody.

    Just go for it but don't get too hung up on trying to get pregnant, enjoy yourselves but be relaxed about it.

  4. Talk to your doctor about this.  Nobody here is qualified to give medical advice.

  5. If you've been on the pill for five years your periods will be all out of sync when you stop taking it so wait until your cycle stabilises but have fun and don't try too hard.

  6. That's rubbish. Your body MAY take up to a year or more to get back into it's natural ways so it may take a while to get pregnant but it may happen straight away like my friend so start

  7. I started trying as soon as I came off the pill, but didn't conceive for 6 months after.

    The best thing to do is make an appointment with your doctor and or nurse and discus this with them. They will also advise you on taking other things such as folic acid etc.

    Good luck trying, and remember......enjoy it!!

  8. I was on the pill for about 6 years and I stopped taking it August 07. We've been trying to conceive ever since and it still hasn't happened. You can start trying as soon as you go off the pill. Your periods may never become "normal". Some people are just more fertile than others. You could get pregnant immediately or it may take a year but you have to remember to have fun with it because if you think about it too much you'll get stressed out and then it takes longer to get pregnant. My doctor asked me when we have s*x and i told her day 10 to 18 every other day of my cycle and she said I was right so try that and do alot of reading so you can get to know your body's signs of ovulation.  

  9. When i told my doctor his advise was to wait to conceive for a while after let your periods get regular again and in the meantime take folic acid, took me 11 months to conceive our twins x

    Best of luck  

  10. You don't need to use another form of contraception if you are ready to get pregnant.  If it's not meant to happen right away, then it won't.  Try not to put too much focus on the "trying" part for now.  Certainly enjoy yourself, but I think women who start out with the mindset that they have to chart their cycles and take their temperatures and all of that put way too much pressure on themselves and thus actually hinder the process.  It will happen.  Best of luck and have fun!

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