
Starting an a child adoption service.?

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I am thinking of starting a child adopting agency here in southcarolina. I myself was adopted when I was only weeks old. I want to know where do I begin other than research. I don't know if I will ever adopt but I want to give back to kids that are needing safe and happy homes. Some people dont like to share info but if you have any suggestions I would gladly appreciate it the same. I am wanting to focus on an actual agency or a referral service of adoption. I want to be able to help the woman that are hurting an feel they have no where to turn. Thanks in advance for all your help and May god richly bless each of you.




  1. heres an idea,

    since you state that you want to help women who feel they have no where to turn, may I suggest opening up a home for women to go to for support, education and a place they can KEEP their children. I've thought so long and hard about this, and it really seems possible, its something I plan on doing in the next 10 years. Offering a place for pregnant mothers to go to, to get parenting classes, they can get get job placement and do a joint turn taking daycare where each girl in the home has a day that she watches the children, so the other girls can work, illiminating the costs of day care, giving opportunity for work and employment to help each get off of their feet and provide for the their family.

    My idea isn't perfect, but there are SO MANY adoption agencies in our country, and only a couple homes for mothers to go to to KEEP their children. Just because a girl is in a desperate situation, is hurting and has no where to turn, doesn't mean she should have to lose her child to adoption. Imagine if someone would have extended the arm of Gods love to your mother, and given her a safe place to get on her feet while pregannt with you, maybe you two would still be together, and maybe it would have worked out really good.

  2. You need to start with the laws in your state.  Some prohibit facilitators, some do not.  But all have laws specific to who can run and how to run an adoption agency, as they are regulated and under the control of the state.  Try looking on y your state's website under Child Care/Agency Licensing.  I can tell you it takes lots of work, time, energy, money, experience, dedication and expertise.  Good luck!

  3. Others have said this more politely than I can, but there are better ways to help women and children than by breaking up families.  Why not get into the foster care system, and/or educate women and girls about ALL of their choices?  Thay way you can help individual women, case by case.  Adoption is not always the best option.  Sometimes it's better to keep the child and raise it yourself, or have a first trimester abortion.

    Yeah, I said abortion.  Bring on da noise, bring on da thumbs!  (-:

  4. i know you have best intentions at heart,but i personally feel if you really want to help,why not train to counsel birth mothers and people affected by adoption?.iknow it must feel good to be involved in making families happy,but their is also the other side of the coin,assuring birth mothers they are doing the right thing without having to think about which prospective parent would be best suited to the child!.i am adopted myself.if i were to be involved in adoption agencies, i would probably work in different field of adoption,do some training and finally work for an approved adoption agency.i would be reluctant to open my own agency,as i feel it becomes money based and thats not how i'd like an adoption to be.children should be free,not bought!

  5. Most women who experience unplanned pregnancies do not want to give their children away these days.  If you want to help women who are hurting and feel that they have no where to turn, I don't understand why you think that a child adoption service will help them.  Adoption is just going to make them hurt more because you will be helping people take their children away from them.  Why would you want to play a role in heaping more heartache upon them?  Infant adoption is not a social services program.  It is a business where adoptive parents buy children through "middlemen" who exploit pregnant women through economic and emotional coercion.

    There are older children who do need safe and happy homes.  I believe that some states have private agencies doing some of the fostering placements and oversight.  I do not know if South Carolina is one of those states.

    I admire you for wanting to give back but my guess is that a child adoption service is not going to be very satisfying for you.  Most women who experience unplanned pregnancies want to find a way keep their children not have them taken from them by the adoption industry.

  6. "I want to be able to help the woman that are hurting an feel they have no where to turn."

    Noble thoughts, except you want to exploit these women with no where to turn by taking their children instead of giving them the tools to keep their family intact.  =oP

  7. you have very good intentions and i commend you for them, but  if you don't work for the government,i don't think  you can do it.the government seems to be running everything anymore,even trying to tell us how to feed our kids.    good luck!!!God bless!!!

  8. There are so many good answers here already.  Plenty of adoption agencies exist, for the purpose of finding children for those who want a child.  But, there is a great shortage of establishments that focus on eradicating the reason for these adoptions in the first place.  

    Adoption is not the only choice a young woman has when she has an unplanned pregnancy.  Even Children and Family Services knows that the best outcome when working with troubled families is to provide services that will reunite the family and keep it intact.

    For true orphans who have no family to care for them, or for children from abusive/neglectful families that cannot be reunited, adoption makes sense.  For pregnant women who are young, low on funds and scared, it doesn't.  So many of them would prefer to raise their children, but are convinced that they are making the "loving choice" by giving their children to someone else.  The pain of this relinquishment remains for a lifetime.  Many adopted persons are left with unanswered questions and unfulfilled needs regarding their families of origin.  More services need to exist to prevent families from being torn apart for these reasons.



  9. You don't have to 'give back'.  You never had a debt to anyone.  Your parents wanted a child to adopt-you were that child--your tenure is over.

    Why not come up with a service to help mothers KEEP their children instead of spending energy separating children from their intended, natural mothers?  

    Lots of mothers, myself included, have plenty of car seats, bouncy seats, strollers, clothes etc. that we would love to donate to mothers who have the courage to raise their children, and might need a bit of help for the first few years.

    I've sold my stuff on Craigslist.  I'd rather have donated it, gotten a tax write-off, AND help keep a family together.

    That, IMO, is a win-win.

  10. How about delving into the research and studying how adoption affects adoptees. Learn about the Primal Wound and read some BJ Lifton.

    Have you been reunited with your family? Have you read "The girls who went away"  It gives a give overview of the social context those who surrender have found themselves in. While the book exploses the BSE the same circumstances are at play today. That whole history repeating thing.

    I pray that after you follow the above course of recommended study, you won't feel that helping a woman who is hurting and feels she has no where to turn involves raping her of her baby as well. To make a living of such atrocity is beyond SICK. May god bless you as well.

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