
Starting dance?

by Guest62761  |  earlier

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I'm female 18 years old, and I want to start jazz.

I am a complete beginner, and don't know how to go about this?

Any tips from dancers, or people who were older when they started dancing would be greatly appreciated.

And when is the best time to start at a dance studio?




  1. Ballet is soooo important... especially for the begginer. I suggest stretching for  5-10 min a day everyday (when you wake up is the best time.) DO NOT over do the hip flexor stretches it causes you to ALWAYS NEED to be stretching out your hips (I did this(worst mistake of my career)) because what happens is your tendons are so used to being loose that when they go back to normal it feels like they are tense... I have to constantly stretch my hips and someday I will have arthritis in my hips. But anyway back to the main point... Its NEVER "too late" to start dancing yea it may be easier if you are younger but at my studio there are specified classes for adult begginers so there probably are at your local studio too so don't sweat it... just sign up and HAVE FUN... =D

  2. If you really want to dance, and get better I suggest some ballet classes. And that's really great that you aren't out of shape. The best time to join a studio is really up to you, and how you feel how much you understand. You can also take some workshops, to see how fast you can pick up choreography.

  3. i am older 34, my husband and i started dancing nearly 2 years ago and we love it. am sooo hooked.  We do Ceroc, which, as far as i know, is worldwide.  we are in New zealand. Its a partner dance, but you so don't have to have a partner, in class you rotate with the men so you get to dance with males all the time, its a great and easy way to meet people.  Its sort of latin, ballroom, salsa and rock & roll all in one.  Its s**y (if you want it to be), fun and great exercise.  You dont need to be a prima dona to do it!!  Have a look on youtube, under ceroc, or westcoast swing.  See wot you think, and if you like, just google that to find where a studio is near you.  You can wear what you want, and if you do competitions like us, you get the chance to dress up or down, its up to you.  Trust me, you so dont need your own partner!!  Go fourth and boogie my child!!

  4. You could go to a dance studio in your area and sign up for a class (someone will most likely be there to help.) Once you're in the class, the teacher will teach you!

    It depends on the studio, and the teacher, what you'd wear. I've been jazz dancing for 5 years, and each teacher had a different requirement. Some are strict and say you have to wear a black bodysuit with black jazz pants and black jazz shoes, and some let you wear a t-shirt or tank top (not baggy) & spanky's with black jazz shoes.

    The best time (in my opinion) to start is a September-June class, sort of like school. That's how my studio is anyway.

    I started dance late (compared to a lot of people) at age 9. So it's a litle awkward at first when people younger than you in the class are really good and you don't know what you're doing, but you'll improve.

    Good luck!

  5. if you want to get really good you'll need to take ballet because it is the foundation of all dance and will help your allignment, turn out, all that good stuff that makes you a good dancer. you'll never be able to do 6 perfect pirouettes if you dont take ballet. look for a recreational studio, nothing is more annoying to me then a beginner who goes to an intense studio. summer sessions are usually more layed back, most studios will be starting into their fall session soon so now is a perfect time to start. dont get discouraged by the more advanced students in your class, there will always be someone who's better than you but at the same time there will always be something your better then them at.

  6. Just find a studio and dive in. Research places online in your town or ask people you know if they might know of someplace. Once you find a studio, register and go for it. September is probably the best time to begin because it's the end of summer and the beginning of a new year.

    You should just try to stretch as much as possible this summer whether it's straddle, lunges, or just touching your toes. You should also stay active. You could try walking or running or doing some other sport/activity just because you can. To build muscle, I'd recommend doing sit-ups and wall-sits as well as eleves (just rising up on to the balls of your feet). You should do 30+ eleves at the least every day.

    Also, I wouldn't recommend trying to stretch in the morning because you've been basically motionless for so long and your muscles are cold. You run a higher risk of injuring yourself. Try doing that at night or in the evenings after you've been up and moving all day.

    Hope this helped and good luck with jazz, it's tons of fun!

  7. I suggested calling the studio and asking when their next session begins (most likely in the fall, around the time school begins). And most dance academies offer an adult class or a begining teen class (which you might qualify for). So just go to all the dance schools in your area, and look until you find a jazz class for older beginers. It really shouldn't be that hard if you live in a city, or large town. Good Luck!!!!!

  8. Well i don't know about studios in your area but the ones in my area are beginning fall registration, so now would a good time to start. I wouldn't start into the middle of a season if I were you. They may have already started the piece they will perform in the recital and you would have to play catch-up.

    I would start in the yellow pages under "dance" and write the names and numbers of a few studios. Call them and ask about pricing, dress code, classes available to you (lots of studios have beginner adult classes so you won't be with little kids) and anything you'd like too know. I would also visit the studio and meet the teachers there. Try taking a few drop-in classes if they offer them just to get the feel of the studio to see if it's a good match for you. Then you can pick the studio that seem best to you. Good luck, I hope you enjoy jazz.

  9. Here are some tips go to i dance store for some dance cloths so its easier to move black dance leotard any color tights and shorts

    Anyways your techer may strech you out more if you feel a lot of pain just remeber she is trying to help you

    I hope i help and that is a good choose dance in jazz its my fave is you need any help e-mail me at

  10. start with learning the basiscs and going with the beat....z....

  11. I would suggest that before you start jazz class that you maybe take something like pilates,yoga,or jazzercise to get into shape and create some flexibility.

    Try renting some dance videos on basic steps.

    Ballet training would be ideal before starting jazz dance.
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