
Starting high school?

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I'm starting high school this year my school has 920 kids for freshman alone

and i don't know anyone! ive been going to a really small school for a really long time and i mean only like 15 kids to a class

I'm really nervous

any advice on how to make friends? when you start high school does everyone already know each other?




  1. K, when I started high school I didn't know anyone! The only reason I made friends is coz I started heaps of conversations. Introduce yourself to the people you are near in the class and walk in with a big smile.

  2. I did the same thing, it was really scary at first but you will make friends eventaully. most ppl seem to know eachother because they went to previous schools together ect. just be friendly and try and make as many friends as you can. if someone tries to pick on you punch them in the nose without saying anything, even if its a kid older then you. once they see blood they usually cry anyway.

    Groups will eventually form so just chillout and have fun, you will eventually see whats what and choose one you like.

  3. Well.. I'm in year 8 now ! second year at high school! I can giv ya some advice! Wen i first started at high school .. i just went up to someone who looked lonely and sed Hey ! they sed hey and we asked eachother if they were nervous and sed u wanna be friends! now this person i did it with i my bestest buddy ever! Easy!

  4. yeah, people do know each other from their own schools, but because everyone has different classes, everyone is split apart, so i wouldn't worry because everyone else will be in the same position, just be yourself  and you'll find yourself talking to people, it will be impossible for you not to make any friends with 920 kids as freshmans , don't worry :)

  5. It was a very long time ago but I too went from a little primary school of about 200 kids to a high school of it seemed like thousands.  Most of the girls from my class went to another school and I only knew 1 person. A lot of the other kids already knew each other so  it was hard for the first month but I soon made friends.  Just be yourself and be friendly and talk to a few people if you feel comfortable with them. Through your classes you will meet friends but be patient.  My daughter on the other hand is in grade 5 at primary school, getting A's and B's and loves her school, her school has over 1000 students and some people say ooh that's too many but I feel more comfortable about her making the cross over to high school because of it.

  6. I'm starting high school too and high school starts in 9th grade for my school district. What happens is that there are usually three or more middle schools assigned to a high school. The graduating class from a middle school (about 300 people) move into the high school. This happens in each middle school that is assigned to the high school.

    Basically, the students from a particular middle school will only know each other. The other 600 (estimate) will be new to them. So don't worry, you won't be the odd one out.

    Tips on making friends:

    1. I was new in 6th grade, and I found that the easiest way to make friends would be to right out ask them their name. That really gets a conversation going because the person feels that you're interested in getting to know him/her, and will return that interest.

    2. Join clubs, the school play, or sports. You will probably join a club that you're interested in, and there will probably be other people in that club who're interested in the same thing. There, you already have something in common with about 20 other people. The school play was where I made most of my friends in 6th grade. You bond with people with whom you've spent almost half a day with. Same with sports.

    3. Stay away from cliques. And to recognize a clique: They're the kids who sit together, act the same, dress the same and barely talk to anyone else but themselves. You might ask, is it that wrong to join a select group? You'll have a stable group of friends, right?

    Wrong. The members of most cliques have known each other since Kindergarten. There's a low chance they'll accept you. Also, being in a clique, is a lot of drama and pressure. If you get in a fight with the clique, since they'll be your only friends, you won't have another group of friends to turn to. Also, if your clique leader decides that the whole group should do something like drugs, there will be pressure on you! Take my advice and steer away from Cliques.

    4. Be yourself. I know, I know. You've heard that a gazillion times before. Well, I'll remind you of the benefits anyway:

    Being yourself ascertains that your friends like you for who you really are. This lets you trust them. There's also a lot less pressure if you're being yourself. There's no chance of you messing up your pretense and showing your true colors. Because, when you're yourself, your true colors will always be good colors.

    Feel free to email me, if you want any more advice. :)
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