
Starving yourself? how long?

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if someone starves themselves,

how long does it take for them to noticable lose weight/fat?





  1. starving yourself isn't a good answer.

    i use to be anorexic and trust me the weight all comes back and more!

  2. i know a girl that went on a water diet for 1 week and lost 8 kilo's

    even going on walks or a run for a few months and only eat 3 main meals a day without any snacks will keep you healthy and most likely loose abit of weight

  3. About 1 week

  4. If your trying to lose weight, don't starve yourself.

    Starving yourself can hurt your internal organs & its got

    to be the worst thing that someone could ever do to

    themselves just to lose weight. Losing weight is not an

    easy thing, trust me. I'm on a diet right now, also.

    But I'm not starving myself, at all. Just do lots of exercise

    watch what you eat (Less carbs) & you will get there. It

    does take months to lose weight, depending on how much you want to lose. Doing all the things you have to & need to do to lose weight, does take a lot of time & effort, its also what most people ddon'twant to do. But sometimes you have to do things you ddon'twant to & sometimes it does suck. But yeah, don't ever starve yourself just to lose weight, its unhealthy & can hurt your internal organs & probably other things.

  5. you shouldn't starve yourself, my 5 year son is terminally ill and he didn't eat for a week and lost heaps of weight, and now eats next to nothing, we are on day 3 of no food again, and he is just skin and bones, he looks horrible

  6. anywhere from 3 days to a week.

    that's why some people use crash diets that only last a few days.

    i wouldn't do it though.

    totally unhealthy.

  7. a week and a half.  

  8. I assume you are planning on starving yourself to look better. The problem is that starving yourself eats away at your muscle first and long story short It's bad for you and you don't look as good as you'd like. Dieting is hard but do that + exercise if possible. NO STARVEY. You can pick out people who starve themselves, they don't look healthy. They aren't healthy. It's not hot.

  9. WHO do you think you are

  10. really cuz starving yourself makes you NOT lose weight because your body goes into the mode of not burning calories.

    its healthier and faster to just diet and exercise!

  11. you won't lose weight by starving yourself. When you starve yourself, your body retains water because it thinks its getting starved, and you'll actually be bloated. if you eventually lose weight, you'll just gain it all back and even more. don't starve yourself. it's not healthy.

  12. I used to be a professional until I was laid off but I can tell you that starvation will cause you to lose weight

  13. yeh you'll lose weight within a week. keep it strong. oh and drink water dont forget. and drink liquids. you wont gain weight thru that.

  14. don't be silly. you shouldn't do that. becuase once you start to eat again, your body will just store all the fat from every bit of food that goes into your body.

    unless you plan to never eat again, then you'll have no problems so R.I.P to you if you take that path.

    oh and J.B stop witting "WHO do you think you are" on every f**king question, WHO do you think you are, d!ckeater.

  15. by the first day  i already felt lighter,,,, by the end of the week i need to go shopping for new clothes!

    i did though have one apple a day...and it lasted the wholleee day!!!

  16. never wise to starve yourself as it does damage to the kidneys even after you gain the weight back.  but if you eat little bits once a day, you should notice weight loss in a week or so.  definitely 2 weeks.

  17. define "starve"

    starvation is characterized as not eating, or eating less than 100 kcals a day for over 90 days

    not eating for a shorter period of time (up to 36 days) is called fasting

    and you can lose up to a pound a day the first time

    but as soon as you eat again, you gain it all back.

    experience: trust me.

    thats how i got anorexia,

    i don't advise it.

  18. I don't recommend it, but if someone were to do it, it should be religiously, after about 30 days, you see very noticeable results.  My pastor did it for 40 days and he lost 10 pounds!!!  And he looks amazing.

  19. i believe if you starve ourself, completely, as in NEVER eat anything, it shouldn't take more than a week. If your eating, about the same, but eventually, you'll actually GAIN weight. the whole science about it is complicated, but its true

  20. About 10 days.

  21. My best friend starved themself. It took everyone about two weeks to notice. Now their in a hospital.

  22. Anyone who staves themselves is dumb, plain dumb.

  23. The second you eat again your body will store more of whatever you eat because it will think it's  "hybernating" so in the end you will gain the weight back. Bad idea. Just work out, dont be lazy.

  24. Dont do that. If you dont eat your stomach will pretty much it itself. and you wont lose weight.

    If you really want to do anything to lose weight, which im sure you dont need to just take a jog a couple nights a week, and exersize a bit and drink lots of water.

  25. Idk for sure but I do know that when you starve yourself the first thing your body does is hang on to fat as a survival mechanism.

  26. starving yourself is not a good idea, so im not telling you the answer!

  27. i think about like 4000000 days . :) tats wat i do

    just kidding dont do it.  it doent help at all .

    experiance . so yea

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