
Static on the phone line?

by  |  earlier

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We have a new phone and recently it starting making static noises whenever someone calls or we try to talk to someone on that phone. However, it seems to be only that particular phone or outlet.......the phone upstairs works fine. Whats going on?




  1. Take the phone from downstairs and plug it into the upstairs phone jack.  If it works fine, the new phone you bought is a piece of junk and needs to be replaced.  If the phone that works fine downstairs crackles when you use it upstairs, something is the matter with your phone line and you probably need to have someone out to repair it.

    Edited to add: oh yeah, I agree with the guy above about interference. That could be an issue too.

  2. They phone doesn't work downstairs  because it is not the best place to get the signal.Try to ues the phone that is upstairs!!Good luck!

  3. is it located near some other appliance or electrical object? It  could be causing the interference - if it's a cordless phone clicking the button to change "channels" helps sometimes

  4. the phone might be bad. or call telephone company.

  5. probably short in the wire or moisture  has gotten into the probably needs to be replaced, but...just to be sure it is that line, trade phones and see if it does the same thing...if not it is your phone that is bad.

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